The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

You responded to a post where someone said “Void elves are distinct from High Elves” with a comment along the lines of “They are not. They are blue Blood Elves”

I jumped in with the crack that if Void elves are not distinct from High Elves that means they’re the same thing and why aren’t you happy with that. And thus this whole circular mess began

Since you know, distinct means different, so you said they weren’t different, and I just had to get in a stupid little ribbing at you. I wasn’t trying to make a point with it, just give you a hard time for a misreading or misstatement

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I don’t get this idea that Worgen are animals, we’re literally Human 90% of the time, have you seen Genn in game? People who play sparingly wouldn’t even know hes Worgen. :dog:



You win the internet tonight Tarrok. Bye now.


You’re the one who said it.

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He’s trying to make you see that Void Elves are different from Blood Elves by making the comparison between Void Elves and High Elves. So if you say that Void Elves are no different than Blood Elves, then Void Elves are also no different from High Elves because, the way they see it, Blood Elves are identical to High Elves in every single aspect except political views.

And if you say that Void Elves are different from High Elves, then they’re also different from Blood Elves.

The problem here is that antis are talking from a biological perspective and you are talking from an individual/cultural perspective.


I am honestly not a fan of Genn in his human form. But in his Worgen form

He looks like he could rip Sylvanas in 2

But because of the bad writing, all it came down too was Sylvanas saying “Muzzle your Dog”.

pssst, Cezol said that Void elves are not distinct from HIGH elves. Thus my comment.

I’m sure he knows, as always, they can’t form an argument without ignoring the nuance that neither of the mentioned groups are the groups we wanted all along.

Case and point, cause i didn’t.

I’ve never said they’re the same thing, because they’ve never been the High Elves we’ve been asking for, which is why i called him the troll he is a loooooong time ago.

Speak for yourself, I’m dog 24/7
 Have I said this before?

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You really believe Fyre employed the term “High Elves” the way we do?

I’m dog 24/7, but we aren’t represented as such. :service_dog:


Do you believe I was doing more than giving Cezol a hard time for saying that void elves and high elves aren’t distinct? Because this is getting hilarious if more of you are going to jump in that particular hole

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Oh dear lord, Fyre should be known as “the one who can’t be named”. Out of all the Anti’s, she is the worse, especially using numbers as an argument when numbers doesn’t prove anything.


I dunno, honestly i find her the most truthful of all, least she sticks to her debunked guns, the rest just pretend those guns still work.

Just look at Tarrok, as he actively tries to pass it off like a joke.


Guess that just means you overall agree with me. :heartpulse:

Am i seeing the beginnings of a conversion?

I mean, sure, I get that’s what you were trying, but it kinda didn’t work, as we all know Fyre means “the Thalassian race” when she says “High Elves” - she very rarely means the specific group of elves we want.



No. It worked way more effectively than I expected as now there are two of you doing I don’t know what in an effort to avoid going “Ooops, I didn’t read that right” I’m just baffled at it all right now.


As far as reading any of your post on this continued sad attempt to be funny goes.

All you’ve tried to do is pass off the same umbrella term for High Elves on all the Elves, even after being told you’re wrong and those aren’t the elves we’ve wanted.

Are you just worse than Fyre now? Are we actually in full blown troll territory Tarrok?


Tarrok, please, be serious. Void Elves are not different from Blood Elves / the Thalassian race (that’s what Fyre meant with “High Elves”) from a cultural/mindset perspective. They’re only different physically.

They are different from our High Elves in the sense that they’re not the same people and, thus, were allied with the Horde in the past.