The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Yeah so first of all, trading one hereditary monarchy for another doesn’t constitute cultural or ideological change.

Secondly, every race in Warcraft has members with wildly varying ideological views such as the orcs who believe in crushing their enemies, seeing them driven before them and to hear the lamentation of their women like Garrosh and Nazgrim and those who believe orcs should live in harmony with nature like Thrall and Rexxar.

There are humans who believe that are intensely religious and give themselves over fully to the Light and there are human warlocks.

There’s even greater cultural diversity within playable races as seen in the customisation options available next xpac with Wildhammer dwarves and all the different troll nations. Two examples with significant cultural differences, while high elves are just blood elves who like blue instead of red.


Just no.

How many of those ideological differences cross faction lines?

In which case, we actually specify about it. Mainland Pandaren, Huojin, Tushui. All terms necessary to specify which group we are talking about, but you won’t for high elves? Why? Because you are afraid it makes their playability more plausible, even if it’s entirely unrelated?

But yes, keep saying they are “the same” when contextually one group has their own sovereign kingdom and the other are hosted on human realms/cultures. The same thing exactly with no need for specificity!


think a seconding of not getting the reference, and posts have to be a minimum of 10 characters and adding in an older meme instead of just 10 char

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AHA! Yeah I was just dumb. lol Thank you again.

“They live somewhere else so they’re totally different!”

It’s too bad culture and ideology do vary within playable races, because all that leaves you with is political affiliation.

To pretend the cultural ideology and context linked to living within the cultures of another faction doesn’t matter is just so profoundly

Again, the point if this is different enough to be playable is entirely up for debate. But to pretend it doesn’t matter to the point we do not need specificity to denote them as separate groups? absurd.


The problem is that it’s not a difference that requires a vast change. People move to new countries and still keep up traditions of the old culture, and it hasn’t been that long. It could mean they have moved on, or it could mean they are plotting how to go back and get their peers to change their alliance to the one they think is best.

Basically, like just about everything in this debate, it’s arguable to what extent this has affected them.

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Think you just answered you own question.

No, obviously, just incase you feel like continuing to be obtuse. :kissing_heart:

Please do tell, cause i fail to see how me literally repeating stuff everyone has seen in game is equal to the lore-ignoring that Fyre does on a constant basis.

Unless of course you’re just salty and biased, that’s always a plausible possibility with Antis.

So again, just to check. You are sticking with your statement that Void Elves are not distinct from HIGH Elves?

Goodnight Troll :kissing_heart:

Keep ignoring nuance and pretending you’ve made a point. Ignoring our actual request and trolling with your repeated answer isn’t anything, hope you realize that.

Real big foundations for your “side”.

Seriously, is that what you meant? Honestly I thought you misread and were trying to make the point the void and blood elves were the same and giving you a hard time for that.

Sometimes threads just end up like this.

They are, just have different political affiliations, kinda like Alliance High Elves, good point Tarrok, lets make them playable.

Can’t really be stressed about misinformation, you’re fundamentally wrong about what you continue to claim.

Which is the entire point, i could care less about arguing our overall point with someone i know does not accept it out of bias.

More than anything its to show the hypocrisy of your side.

Ok, so you misread and you’re just chopping up my statement to save face got it.


Really gonna troll to the bitter end Tarrok?

I thought you at least better than Fyre. This is just sad.

I’m sure theres a video you can spam to express your discontent, lets get to it yeah, its kinda what you’re good at, obviously not at making any points, as we’ve witnessed just now.:man_shrugging:

They’re more like an endless loop of the same people discussing with other same people using the same arguments knowing none will convince the others instead of simply letting everyone be and respecting their opinion and discussing things we actually like about High Elves, which is the whole purpose of this thread.

But I’ve given up already, so


You know, I was just going for a cheap “Haha! Cezol says that void elves are the same thing as high elves” joke.

Now this is just sad how far you’re taking this to avoid admitting a little mistake


Please enlighten, i think i missed that part in your sad attempts to be funny without gifs.

Let’s leave the jokes for people with points to make, instead of just “bUh vOiD eLVes ARe hIgH eLvEs”, think you’re late to the party on that one.

Seeing a Wogen and a Tauren fighting on the forums
 Take it to the paddocks where all the other animals fight.