The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Yes of course, sometimes I can’t help myself :innocent:


And when cornered with their made up rules being forced to admit that Void Elves are just as much High Elves as Blood Elves they say we already got them.

In that case it’s more than okay to ask for a different variety of something we already have. Especially when it’s even LESS like the completely separate thing they have.


It’s a reference to the Planet of the Apes movies

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To say “High Elves and Blood Elves are the same” is profoundly disengenous when the whole reason of their divide is because they are ideologically distinct. They literally choose different paths, different contexts, and some people still claim their terms are interchangeable?

It’s either utterly disingenuous or completely befuddled.


My sisters and I are ideologically distinct. Are we no longer the same?

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republican and democrat voters are a different race with their logic

and they still cant answer my question i asked sara


You have yet to prove that. So far it just seems to be wishful thinking that if you claim they’re super distinct that way it will make up for the fact that they ARE the same race. It’s really dishonest to pretend that saying “But they think different things!” counters the fact that they ARE the same race as the playable race on the horde.


Thank you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry I wasn’t able to find a clip of them talking about Ape law that would work in here

Let’s be clear. The point of argumentation is whether they are “significantly distinct enough to be an AR” That’s what we can discuss.

But to claim they are “just the same thing” that is the disingenuous and myopic point some like to make.

The lack of nuance in the spectrum between “the same” and “distinct enough to be an AR” is astonishing and honestly it comes as bad faith from some people. I have no issues with people like Tarrok that just believe they just aren’t distinct enough, but again, there’s a difefrence between that stance and denying there’s any difference to the point you refuse to recognize they have different name’s now.

Now that, is disingenuous.


They are the same race. That is the same thing. Like
 by definition.


Ultimately, it’s just obfuscating to use “High Elves” as an umbrella term because it lacks specificity and leads to the question about “which group of elves we are referring to”

That they are the same race defines only their biology, not their ideology, political stance and culture. And we are literally talking about such differences, to deny them, is simply disingenuous.


I dunno, I think it’s pretty disingenuous to pretend that by changing a name to honor their past that the Blood Elves have abandoned that past.

But mainly, it’s a sneaky little play to pretend that a huge chunk of the opposition argument doesn’t count to make it seem like the only difference that matters is the fact that they are different politically, even though that political difference mainly pertains to the disposition of the nation that they all belonged to.

So yes, the debate is over whether they are different enough. That’s why yelling about how some of the major points of how they are not only not different, but in many ways completely the same is disingenuous is not arguing in good faith. It’s just waving away an inconvenient argument for you to counter.


You wanna talk about obfuscating while you try to claim they’re not the same thing. Despite the fact they’re the same race.

By which you mean “political affiliation”.

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High elf has two meanings depending on the context.

High Elf in the context of the “race” means the groups such as blood elves (Sin’Dorei) and the alliance high elves.

High elf in the context of group, would be those who have not claimed themselves to be Blood elves. I.E. the High Vale elves of the hinterlands do not claim the Name Blood elf, they belong to the High elf group.


And when did I say that? That the modern high elves use that moniker is entirely beholden to the fact they don’t have a new name. You are loading into it something that does not exist.

“Modern” High Elves are as much and even more removed than Blood Elves from the usage previous to the Third War. Do not confuse things. There is no such thing as a “true” high elf. That’s gone.

Like, no. As much as Dalaran has shifted alliances, High Elves have become either neutral or Alliance. To say groups as the SC don’t have a distinct leaning is just befuddled.

The fact is that High Elves and Blood Elves have distinct beliefs, and it’s the utter denial those beliefs aren’t distinct enough to warrant calling them as different groups is what comes as disengenous.

As much as you’d like to say “the debate is over” urgh, just don’t. That’s literally just saying “well I am right” Don’t.

Regardless of that, even if they are deemed “not different enough,” to say “they are exactly the same as to call them the same name” is entirely inaccurate, factually so, and I will always be aghast at people supporting that nonsense.

Specificity is necessary, and a willful dismissal of it is nothing short of biased. Again, the difference might not be enough to make them playable,. but to dismiss it by itself, when it entails so much more not beholden to biology, is utterly disingenuous.


As in the subject of the debate, not that there is none.

Like “Ok, so we’re debating over whether to get pepperoni pizza or a stromboli”

They are the same race. That’s not the point. How hard is to understand that Blood Elf and High Elf modernly refer to distinct cultural and ideological identities? Why do you need is necessary to erase such identities if not for an argument about playability?


I also don’t get this
 I suspect I’m just dumb. What is this?

The foundation has been built. The story can only be built upon
 just as we have observing all other allied races. I imagine everything would become much more distinguished when made playable.

I am out for the Night.

Good night all :slight_smile: