The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

not much to respond to here, just the same recycled arguments that have already been refuted but i will say this. this is not a discussion. this is not like a debate over the newest star wars entry, where everyone has a subjective opinion and every opinion is valid because they are just that, opinions

there is actually an objective answer to this debate. it is one rooted in evidence and information that is available to everyone. to reach a helfers conclusion(fanfiction), you must choose to ignore everything that has been said on the topic either in game or out of game

the lore reason is there are too few alliance high elves. gameplay is that the race is already playable and has been on the horde for well over a decade and that adding alliance high elves is redundant and blurs the faction identities

both rock solid objective facts supported by reams of evidence from multiple sources in game and out

alliance high elves arent relevant. making them playable implies there is some kind of equivalence between the two groups. that they have equal numbers and presence. thats a fanfiction. it would also turn the blood elves into evil freaks and allow alliance high elves who act the exact same way and bring nothing new to the game to redefine what a high elf is. that right belongs to the blood elves

come back when you have something of substance


Don’t worry, he’ll be along soon to tell you why you don’t really think that/


While I understand these points, the game itself turns right around and invalidates them.

Population is too low. Is it lower than a handful of void elves that became a playable race? I think we know that there are more High Elves that the number of Blood Elves that Donner Partied out into the void. But its okay for them to become playable.

Redundant races blur faction identities. Understandable except for both sides have Pandas and it causes no trouble at all. If someone plays a horde panda it doesn’t hurt anyone playing an alliance panda.

Its not like I’m being theoretical or rhetorical about this. Its happening in the game right now, this instant.

The game itself both made and then tore up those reasons without any interested party having to do anything at all.

There is no reason not to have Alliance High Elves.

Although I admit that Void Elves make for a devilishly convenient speed-bump in that statement.


pretty much. void elves are distinct from high elves. all they prove is that the only pre req to be eligible for AR consideration is to not already be playable and have your own unique flavor

pandas were introduced with neutrality in mind. it also hurt them. they have a narrative repeated throughout their starting zone and even in the mop cinematic ‘to preserve balance and bring harmony’ to the factions. high elves arent neutral, and the blood elves represent well over 90% of the race and control the actual high elf kingdom and sunwell


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They are not. They are blue Blood Elves.

Know what’s distinct? Kul Tirans human from regular Humans.

Yes they’re humans, but they don’t have the same models and animations that we expect from humans, same can apply to a High Elf model.

You understand most people here know how incredibly obtuse and lore-biased you are right Fyre? Almost everything you say has a nasty tinge of lore-ignorance and spite.

You have never ever added anything of value to contradict High Elves that wasn’t already debated and proved incorrect, with the overall roots of what you continue to spout being a way to silence the High Elf discussion, at this point, you can’t even trick newer people.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Needs to be acknowledged that pandas get kinda screwed on the whole story thing partially because of their neutrality.

Don’t want that to happen to blood or high elves

Well if there’s no distinction between Void and High elves what’s the problem?

As opposed to your contributions to this discussion. But then again just about everything in this post applies to you just with the sides reversed.


Numbers eh? What proof do you have to say Numbers is the reason why they can’t be playable?


Cute. But you’re right, everything I offer has been seen by players in game.

Everything you offer is personal head canons an opinions, that is if you stop spamming gifs long enough to actually voice an opinion.

I very much invite you to tell me why you believe Fyre is right though, popcorn only takes 3 mins to cook though, keep that in mind when you write your “opinion”.

The nuance that that’s never been the group we wanted, that’s the problem, but I’m sure you knew this, most antis do and continue to spout the same lore-nuanced ignorance.

And yet you pretend to be here to “discuss”, laughable. :kissing_heart:

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you literally said void elves are not distinct from blood elves while at the same time calling them blue blood elves. ive never seen a blue skinned blood elf

flik, was just going through my screenshot folder, remember that time we fought back to back and killed all those alliance?

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That is because Void Elves are Blood Elves. Exiled from Silvermoon due to there study with the void, and saved by Alleria and renamed as Ren’dorei or Void Elves.


void elves are void corrupted high elves. its why they are blue. that point of differentiation is the justification for their existence as an AR

So if you recognize this what part of not distinct are you not getting?

their mindset didn’t change, they already disliked being in the Horde even though they were still Blood Elves, only thing that’s changed is their magic infusion.

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Void elves (or ren’dorei, “children of the Void” in Thalassian) are a race of Void-infused elves affiliated with the Alliance. Their origins lie with a group of blood elves led by Magister Umbric who were exiled from Silvermoon City because of their research into the Void.



Gross misrepresentation.

Void elves are born of the Blood elf group, of that there is no question.


and blood elves are high elves :clap: :clap: :clap:

Despite Blood Elves does not want to be recognized as High Elves.


doesnt matter what adjective you want to use. all thalassian elves are high elves, even the void corrupted ones. high elf is the name of the entire thalassian race

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Imagine hating High Elves and player requests so much you stoop to disrespecting Blood Elves to pass of your ignorance of lore-nuance as correct.



Adding the “clap” emoji does not make it more correct
 They were from Blood elves ( and not even calling them a different race than the high elves )

You presented the void elves as though it didn’t matter what specific group they come from. They came from the hordes blood elves