The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

omgā€¦itā€™s getting to be something quite a few people here do, and thatā€™s trying to speak their opinion but try to give it more weight by making claims that the majority of the alliance playerbase thinks the same way they do.
Sorry that you got all bent out of shape, but I think itā€™s important to this discussion to keep things clear and not muddied with inaccurate claims.
Itā€™s nothing personal.

I personally like all Peopleā€™s input on both sides, even the anties (when it make sense) I try to show those who I honestly feel I am having debate with like murg and some others I appreciate it (get laughed or made fun of for doing but I could care less), but input from everyone is good as long if its honest attempted input/debate.

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I guess you came to the wrong forums then.


Beginning the sentence with ā€œI thinkā€ should be the clue that itā€™s my opinion. I never said All the Alliance feel this way or think this. My declaration was solely a declaration of what I perceive the thought of the Alliance player base is, not a declaration of what it is. That ā€œI thinkā€ part does not mean Iā€™m making a statement of fact of the Alliance perspective, Iā€™m making a statement of what I think it is.

Why is that hard to see, why are you putting words into my keyboard. Iā€™m gonna have to RMA this keyboard, did you hack my keyboard? Excuse while I get an Exorcist for my keyboard.

All your actions serve Nā€™zothā€¦


Other than the post where she said she thought blizzard forgot how the alliance felt and that the lore they gave them wasnā€™t what the alliance cared about

Because despite putting in I thinks, that seems to be speaking for alliance.


And I think youā€™re deliberately misreading what Iā€™m saying. Are you? I donā€™t know. But I think it.


shrugs Itā€™s more that thatā€™s how the post comes off. And you know, Starla doesnā€™t need half the thread pretending she reacted to something that wasnā€™t there because text doesnā€™t convey anything but whatā€™s written down and though you didnā€™t intend for it to mean that, it can easily be read that way.

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When a sentence begins with ā€œI thinkā€, ā€œI thinkā€ or ā€œmy opinionā€ should not have to precede every subject and verb in the sentence. That would make some serious unwieldy reading. Everything in that sentence can be taken as an opinion. Thatā€™s how reading works without mudding up the sentence structure.


If you do not want to imply that you are speaking for a faction avoid using the name of the faction straight up. ā€œI donā€™t think Blizzard really took in an Alliance perspective that makes sense to meā€ or ā€œI donā€™t care about the lore Blizz made for the void elvesā€ Because especially the second one, that really comes off as you speaking as an authority of what lore the alliance cares about.


I do believe you have an opinion that is indicative of many Alliance players, not all or the entirety but Iā€™ve seen these same things posted by so many people in discordā€™s etc, even if you did use the tone of speaking for the Alliance I could still deduce itā€™s just ā€œaā€ mainstream opinion not the only opinion or everyoneā€™s.

Also I love your transmog, actually Iā€™m really coming to love Gnomes in general lol :blue_heart:


Bah, Personally I think differently. The context, in my opinion, should have made it clear that they were responding form their viewpoint alone, an opinion.

It is my thinking, that someone shouldnā€™t have to specifically state that something is their opinion in every line that they post, if they preface it with words that already indicate as such. In this case that was repeatedly using ā€œI thinkā€, to my understanding.

I often feel that arguing against the context of a statement and picking out bits to be contrary to where a reasonable person would find that the statements are opinions is a useless waste of time. As a result, I think, it comes off as trying to be obtuse just because you donā€™t like the contents of that statement. Which in my view, in this case, was an opinion.


No where did I imply that. You, applied that connotation yourself.

And yes despite your disagreement I do think the Alliance Perspective favors playable High Elves, even if that was through form of Void Elves with a deeper lore connection. That is not to say I think every Alliance player thinks that way. I know there are those that disagree. Heck I think the majority of Alliance players donā€™t even care or even know the distinction. But I do think that the majority that do care favors a playable connection or version of the allies that we have worked with for 15 years.

And there is no data to support what Iā€™m saying, but itā€™s what I think and you canā€™t tell me to not say what I think how I say what I thinkā€¦ Iā€™m sorry, you can disagree with me but please donā€™t tell me what I can or canā€™t say if Iā€™m not being offensive or hostile or belligerent. You donā€™t get to tell me how I can communicate my perception of the matter.

I do see that you not comprehending what Iā€™m saying does speak to two facts. One is on you and the other is on me. The first fact is that youā€™re misreading what Iā€™m saying. Second fact is that I could state it more precisely. But right now I donā€™t care to.

Now if someone would actually like to debate why they disagree that Void Elves donā€™t need a deeper lore connection to the Alliance through the High Elves that would be a welcome read when I get back from dinner.


I would love to be able to play an High Elf and also would love to see some female human braids such as two long tails, long braid, half braid, etc


Look, Iā€™ve just seen enough people trying to erase the opinions of people who disagree with them that it gets noticeable. Sometimes a gun is jumped, but the way it was phrased, especially the line about the lore, read that way. So fine, it was a misunderstanding, but it wasnā€™t one that came out of nowhere.

Edit, or maybe not so much a misunderstanding.



Aye. I agree with this. I feel Iā€™ve gone too far in harping on it, and in that regard Iā€™m sorry to @starlagosa. (Does the @ thing work on the forums? bah Iā€™ll quote them and make sure they see it.)

I can see how one could see it this way and my posts were easily taken more aggressively than I think I originally meant them. I am sorry for harping on it.


Iā€™ve got a couple pet peeve issues across various subjects, one is that any poll that doesnā€™t rely on proper sampling, and especially those where people can choose to take it, isnā€™t really of any use to determining what people think, just what the people motivated to go to that poll think (although this works for stuff like ā€œWhat video should I make next?ā€ type polls of fans)

The other is just being careful not to get into the habit of thinking you speak for anyone unless you got appointed to that role by those people. Itā€™s one of those things that can lead to echo chambers and getting surprised when you go outside the group of people organized around that issue.


Iā€™ll take that bet. This would be the what? fourth or fifth time?

Since the Sunwell was restored to now being a font of Light and Arcaneā€¦and that happened years agoā€¦and the only ā€œchangeā€ was the typical Elven reaction to exposure to magical sources? No, itā€™s no more than political/philosophical (vegan vs omnivore) differences.

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Well done, I wish this happened more often.