The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Orrrr. You’re just in the wrong here and should move on?

Multiple people understood it was an opinion and called you out for treating it as something else. That’s just how life is sometimes.

We going there again?


Still should probably avoid saying that this is Blizzard losing sight of the Ally perspective and ignoring what the Alliance wants when there’s plenty of alliance players who are opposed to getting high elves on the Alliance for various reasons.

What can I say, I want to see just how much of a train wreck this is.

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But that would undermine their arguments.


looks at the Energizer Bunny thread

Still going. Anyone taking bets it makes it to 20k posts?

Go High Elves!



Or how about you back off since my point is valid?

Sure if your ability to read with context is nonexistent. You can’t tell me that you look at this and don’t know it’s an opinion?

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You should re-read her opinion, as she’s not talking about playable High Elves.


Pretty much everyone has posted their opinions in one way of the other to try to dictate or make rules for whats allowed to be said is ridiculous. You agree with what they say or you dont.


Yeah, it’s opinion, but opinion that claims to speak for the faction. I mean they aren’t saying that they think it goes against their personal view of the Alliance perspective or lore that they personally cared for. It’s all my opinion is that blizzard disregarded the alliance, which all happens to agree with me in this matter.

Also all of us have evolved on this Topic, Which is good because eventually we will come to real reasons why or why not on the High Elves.


Meh, point still stands that she doesn’t speak for the whole alliance on high elves or if void elves aren’t wanted.

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She does as a Alliance Player which she can voice her take on the situation, which I felt she did when posting.

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I started out against or indifferent so I think I’m shining example on being swayed through reading I was unsure how it would effect my VEs but the rich lore arguments I’m always praising really won me over and I appreciate the people who take the time on the HE side to write them often long posts but I always read them and think wow :blue_heart: these are passionate kind people who wanna RP the way I RP my VE.

Now I think I like HEs so much I’d make my mage one, or I’d make a new mage I suppose it’s neither here nor there so I think I’d just change my mage from BE-HE :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So wouldn’t that also mean, say Murg speaks for all alliance?

Yes she did say ‘I think’ but it was in reference to ‘Blizz’ losing sight. Not on whose perspective she was referring to, which was ‘the alliance’ which means the alliance players.

Murg educated me on perspective views,

PersonA: I’m not defensive, you’re defensive.
PersonB: No, I’m not defensive, you’re defensive.
PersonA: No, I’m not defensive, you’re defensive.
PersonB: No, I’m not defensive, you’re defensive.

Not really. You just said I don’t speak for you or everyone. I agreed. Beyond that you haven’t said why or how your opinion differs.

I said:

That “I think” part means it’s my opinion. My opinion is based on my thoughts and observations. Yes, the sample of my observations are narrow, but you’re misreading what I said. Not sure if it’s deliberate to pick an argument. But at this point you’ve devolved the argument to the form and not about the subject. I’d prefer if it were about the subject.

I think Void Elves are cool, but they would be cooler if they were linked to the pre-existing narrative of the High Elves that have been working with the Alliance. I feel it would have quelled the Pro-Anti High Elf argument if Blizzard had done that. I think the reason Blizz didn’t do that is because they lack perspective of their Alliance player base.

Maybe I’m wrong, I’ll admit that, but I think I’m close to the mark. No reasonable way to prove or disprove it, but it’s just my opinion.

And you’re welcome to disagree. In fact I’d love to read why you disagree.

Also I don’t think my points will sway you or any other opponents of High Elves, Blood Elves or Voild Elves. Just as your points are not likely to sway mine. I just wanted state my perspective and the discussion and lively debate might be fun if we’re discussing the actual topic and not sniping about the form.

One thing for sure, I think the majority of the regular respondents (for and against) of the High Elf threads, deeply care about the lore. We just disagree on how it makes sense for the position of the High Elves as they are and where we would like them to be in the future.


I think it safe to say no one here Speaks for the Alliance or Horde on the Matter, they are peeps on both sides who support and dont Alliance High Elves,


She never did, though. In fact, she never spoke about High Elves or Void Elves not being wanted. She merely stated that, in her opinion, Blizzard would have appeased many HE fans (who the vast majority happen to be Alliance) if Void Elves came from High Elves instead of Blood Elves.

And I couldn’t agree more with her.


I am a night elf
 of course I speak for the alliance :grimacing: