The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

I think this is more a pragmatic approach. We know its unlikely to get ANOTHER blood elf model, so since we have the Void Elves we look to other ways to get High Elves practically.

And many really donā€™t like you suggesting it either as Fliktarg says. >.<

Feel free to add your own narrative. This is a discussion and you are allowed to participate.

You call me reductionist yet you are not contributing rebutting points.

That leaves me to have to derive some meaning from your angry outburst. So let me try to excise something from what you did manage to offer.

The only crumb of useful data, there we go.

You are concerned with faction identity. Okay.

What is your faction identity? Orc culture? Blood Elf culture? Horde Culture in general?

Are pandas adding or subtracting from that?

Or are you concerned with Alliance culture? I hadnā€™t considered that.

Not really enough to go on, but I am trying.

Maybe when you arenā€™t so absorbed in tearing down my position you can clarify your own. I am interested to understand this faction identity angle.

Until then. Feel better.


No, it could have as easily led you to read a couple of years worth of my comments on this topic. You are simply not worth the time to rehash them all, and doing so would be a waste of time.

No youā€™re not or, again, you could do your own homework and read through this thread to see that concern discussed repeatedly. Iā€™m not doing your homework for you, go do it yourself.


Thatā€™s doubtful since you already made insulting claims about us.


Iā€™d like to point out that you and the 7 people who liked your post donā€™t speak for all Alliance players, let alone the people who play both factions.

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They did say ā€œI thinkā€ a lot which would indicate its just their opinion.

Lets just wait see where story goes with Alleria , Umbric, Vereesa, They all Favor the Alliance, They are what pretty much represents not Sinā€™dorei atm.

You mean Valeera.

Not sure why you felt it necessary to point out the obvious but okay.

And as Fezzy said I am stating my opinion. I have no data to backup the opinion. Thereā€™s no way for me to gather that data. Iā€™m just stating what I think and reflecting on some of the other opinions people have posted on the topic in multiple threads over the past several months. Even if it really actually were a reflection of the majority, I fully realize not everyone thinks that way.


Sorry Alleria was reading about Valeera same time posting.

Oh. Well, Valeera Sanguinar is hardly much of a Horde supporter these days either.

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I pointed it out because it wasnā€™t ā€˜obviousā€™. I believe we all need to speak for ourselves.

I stated my opinion, people agreed with me. Not sure why you seem agitated by it.

I would have preferred if you disagreed with me in a more substantive way. Like maybe you think Void Elf lore is just fine and they donā€™t need to be tied better to existing lore. IDK, not sure what you think other than hey my opinion is that your opinion isnā€™t mine.

And in no way did any of my statement said I or anyone else was speaking for the majority or plurality of the debate. I was just stating my opinion and observation. I might be wrong, Iā€™m willing admit that, but thereā€™s no way for me to prove it and no way to disprove it either.


No to dog pile here but they said that they thought (think) a total of 4 times in that post. How is that not obvious that itā€™s an opinion?

Further those 11 people who liked it agree, with that opinionā€¦ Which is their right to do so.

Your two posts have gotten no likes at the time I wrote this.

Youā€™re being obtuse for no good reason.


For what itā€™s worth I understood you perfectly and agreed with you on all points on a simple matter of your opinion lined up with mine lol :blue_heart:

But wait, Blood Elves ARE different than High Elves due to their magic source ā€œchangeā€, so itā€™s more than just political, right?

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I know Iā€™m going to regret this, but what magic source change are you referring to?


In no way am I agitated. Not sure why youā€™re so defensive. Just sharing my views.
If you use the term ā€˜the Alliance perspectiveā€™ and ā€˜lore that Allianceā€™ itā€™s referring to all the people who play the Alliance.

Itā€™s so lovely when you amazing helfers stick together like a gang regardless of how little sense is being made.

Iā€™ve only seen kindness from the pro HE side in the quest to see HEs included in WoW :blue_heart:

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