The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Then really you are just confirming my statement.

They can and do get mistaken for each other depending on many factors.

Lighting changes and special effects are factors.


I’m fine with VEs and HEs playing off each other occasionally but I don’t want them to become one but that’s just me. Vareesa can hold her own as an independent persona and entity with her HEs I think, or is that what you mean


When you think about it, Voids elves cant go back to Sin’dorei, Alleria The Leader of all Civilian Alliance High elves, And Veressa the leader of the Military Arm, Only one left out in the Horde are the Sin’dorei. So when people say sisters are nothing, i think we will be seeing more them. Whatever they do.

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Yeah and in similar situations a gnome and tauren can be mistaken for each other.

It’s a nothing thing to say.

Which does not invalidate the other statement at all.

Again, you asked for scenarios where Blood Elves look like Void Elves. So when you get an answer a Hyperbole doesn’t really invalidate it.


Well you got to wonder, why did they bring Alleria back as the Trainer of the Ren’dorei and Have Umbric as the Leader, Alleria goes to well get exiled pretty much to, Now you have 3 High Elves leaders backing the Alliance. Well two and a changed High Elf, then you have all these Elves migrating to the rift and Stormwind, Then they see Alleria is alive,

The color of the name floating above the characters help differentiating blood and void elves way more than any skin color.

Put both in a crowded sanctuary zone that makes both “blue named” and you can’t really differentiate them that easily, especially under heavy armor.


I think Void Elves look cool. I think their lore has potential, but is seriously underdeveloped.

But I also think Blizz lost sight on the Alliance perspective and just decided to create new lore they thought we’d find cool without fleshing it out instead of anchoring them in lore that Alliance actually cared about. If the Ren’dorei were from the lodges or from Allerian Stronghold or from the Silver Covenant or a retinue of High Elves that traveled with Alleria during the 1000 year war against the Legion, then I think this thread and all the others about Playable High Elves wouldn’t even exist.


Times you have to check if it’s a Blood Elf or Void Elf.

Having a full powered Shadow Priest near you.

Blue Eyed Blue Skinned DKs that are almost 100% identical. Also ones that wear the same armor as Warriors.

Constant Void effects. Including some that make you unfriendly to all characters or straight up purple.

Zones with strong Blue or Purple Lighting. Particularly at night.

Red/Fire debuffs that make the Void Elf look more flesh colored.

Full Armor. Not everyone has an ear color swatch.

This applies to both factions.


I just sort of took it as HEs and BEs viewing the Void as a tool now that current VEs are using it and are controlling it, ie : adding population. But I don’t think they are meant to pull the entirety of the Silver Cov into Void tainted Elves, just some HEs are showing an interest, like we see BE scholars there too so I get the impression it’s a self imposed exile and they fall in line with Void Elf principles of power over everything

What i was trying to say was, Each Leader of each group not all becoming VE, but all allied together. Rendorei, SC, High Elves (civilians) under one banner.

I feel like that would pull focus from VEs some though no? And vice versa from HEs, do you mean basically a lore explanation for customization option then? Or still a dedicated AR tab / core race tab selection

Well that’s up to the writers/devs how much each side plays and are playable. They created this mess in the first place. I am off to a appointment cya all later.

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The whole mess with the Void Elf origin could have been fixed and satisfied a lot of High Elf fans with a simple addition. If they had a small band of High Elves from Allerian Stronghold or elsewhere accompany Alleria to meet Umbric, they could have been caught in the accident as well, giving them an anchor to the existing High Elf lore and also creating this Blood Elf separatist group.


How would you propose they fix this going forward?

The only things I can think of are to introduce a new quest line where some High Elves and other Blood Elves get infused with void and trained in void magic with a new race intro when you roll a new one. But I’d be afraid if not done well it would feel tacked on. Another similar way to do it is to have it as an event that occurs related to a Void Lord themed expansion, but we’re at least 2 years or more away from that.


Continue the Void Elf narrative as a group of Thalassian freedom fighters looking to overthrow the tyranny in Silvermoon and allow their people to become free thinkers, perhaps wanting to bring them into the Alliance (something which would obviously never happen)

Then start planting the seeds for a future Half Elf allied race, developing the model, and giving characters like Arator more screen time. When the need arises for more Alliance soldiers to be recruited (their armies left weak after the 4th war), have groups of Half Elves answer the call to arms and formally join the Alliance forces

That’s what I’d do, anyway


Hi Ely,

That’s impossible to argue with
since you’re right. :slight_smile:


This is purely an opinion. And one which entirely discounts concerns about faction identity.

This a giant steaming pile of bovine excrement that indulges in an exercise where you attempt to reduce every voice in the opposition to simply trying stop you from getting what you want so they can be members of a

Get out of here with that BS.


no. A large majority of us wouldn’t. I would only accept it if void elves were no longer “void elves” but instead “exiles” to encompass all alliance thalassian elves.

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