The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Some of their paying customer base. Clearly itā€™s not a nearly universal request, as was the case when they almost killed flying. There are people in long-standing opposition to this request.

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Here to support the HE inclusion as a playable race on Alliance and the amazing lore arguments and art I see shared from the HE community who speak their arguments out of a place of kindness and seek to informatively educate people on High Elf lore oof. :blue_heart:

Also thinking on how Wrath of the Lich King was immediately after Burning Crusade and I did not pay attention / was younger at the time but the inclusion of the Silver Cov must have been one big tease on Alliance hopes considering BC saw the BEā€™s introduced. Big sigh.


Just go to classic hinterlands and visit them in their little lodge. Thereā€™s some other places where they are too I just canā€™t remember atm.

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Not everyone has to like the decision if they include them. Of course it only serves a section of the player base, but the same is said about each race. If we are always looking for 100 percent agreement then nothing will ever happen.


I think that a decent delimiter might be the fact that those who are opposed to it are in no way affected if it were to become true. Their games are not stymied in the least.

They are not denied any facet of their experience and can engage in the game however they chose freely and with abandon. They get to play the game they want to play.

Those in favor however, through this denial, remain locked out of the simple and every increasingly available option to play a desired race in the game.

Their game play is forever detoured into subpar solutions and suboptimal outcomes. The payed-subscription patience of years is met with mockery, ridicule, misdirection and flat refusal.

They do not get to play the game they want to play.

I suppose one might make the argument that, if high elves were to become alliance playable, those opposed would have to suffer the indignity of being unable to deny other paying customers a request over a decade in the making.

I guess that could be a negative for some.

So the opposition stands to lose nothing except their status as the ā€œtold you soā€ chorus.

Those requesting stand to achieve a simple request after monetized years of asking and finally getting to play the game they want to play.


Oh good, this troll nonsense again.


Like Kul Tirans and Mechagnomes.


Likewise not everyone had to like the decision to take the high elf role in this series and twist it around into Blood elves and put them on the horde.

And really itā€™s more of a reaction when someone like Ant up there tries to present the pro-high elf side as if it were the only voice from the paying customers.


Of course, I blame blizz for no linear story on the High elves, and their overall role being split. Obviously we know Blood elves are the majority of that role and story. Butā€¦ unlike most races in game, blizz did not devote the entire race to one faction.

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You used the word ā€œonlyā€. I never did.

I even acknowledge and discuss the presence of an opposing presence.

Why someone might oppose something that has no affect on them at all is perplexing to be sure. But its not uncommon nor limited to just this situation.

It does seem a bit mean spirited seeing as they are already getting what they want and will not cease to get what they want, unless what they want is simply to deny someone else.

But I feel confident my esteemed fellow poster would assure me that is certainly not the case.


I mean, if you just go with directly working with the opposite faction as their race as a whole, off the top of my head humans have worked with the Horde.

Outside of that you have stuff like the evil side of the Draenei, the multiple troll tribes, Scarlet crusade, the Grimtotem that follow Magatha, druids of the flame. Thereā€™s plenty of examples of splinter factions of a race being used as antagonists for that race.

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Blizz has stated that we play factions, not races. This toon is canonically from Stormwind, not Gilneas, Lordaeron or Alterac

It just sucks that with a system such as allied races, the High Elves that have had long history with the Alliance somehow didnā€™t make the cut in a way that made sense. Void Elves are a failed attempt of a compromise in my eyes


The Iron Horde being the main villain for an entire expansionā€¦

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Iā€™m just saying that just because one of those factions that has a conflict with the rest of their race and a connection to the other main faction doesnā€™t mean it needs to be playable.

I just canā€™t think of any other race in the scenario that High Elves have found themselves in. Sure some humans have worked with the Horde, but never as one of their formal, large scale members. The majority of the Thalassian race has sided with the Horde, but High Elves remain in the Alliance still

The allied race system just seemed too perfect for High Elves in this case, given their historic Alliance ties. Theyā€™ll never happen now that Void Elves are a thing, but Void Elves are about as shoddy of an attempt of a compromise as they couldā€™ve possibly beenā€¦ unless all one cares about is the super model, er, model.


Like this.


Canā€™t really argue too much with that. I think it was a mistake, I dunno if someone had cold feet and wanted to leave a back up in case the blood elf thing flopped.

As for the model/look thing. I dunno, Iā€™m a cynic and with stuff like Talenā€™s models that just got linked again, it always feels like itā€™s an exercise of how can we change things up just enough to claim itā€™s a different model but to leave them looking almost indistinguishable from Blood Elves. I keep getting an impression from some people that feels like ā€œNo, we donā€™t care about the appearance, just the lore. Donā€™t pay attention to the fact that with that lore weā€™d also get the appearance, thatā€™s just a complete coincidenceā€

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When you adjust for game scale there are more then what people would want to admit


Dont go the lodge in EP

Were High Elves in their ā€œpurestā€ form to be made playable, mockups like those above would at least be an example of changes thatā€™d need to be made. A different silhouette is definitely a good start

Thing is, High Elves have no reason to look much different from Blood Elves. Theyā€™re the same people from the same kingdom that speak the same language and share the same culture. Itā€™s likely why Void Elves were made, and itā€™s why I advocate for Half Elves

What sucks is that Void Elves may have turned out to be something much more satisfying if the first wave of allied races werenā€™t so rushed

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