The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

lol i know right? the best part is those small fringe groups dont even live in alliance territory and arent even a part of it. highvale is a few hermits living in what amounts to a tent, SC dont even have the numbers to guard their own quarter anymore

what high elves? the 2 canon ones in SW? are you implying theres a massive, unseen high elf population in SW behind those easter egg npcs? :relaxed:

I really wish you would stop using numbers as an argument Fyre. In game numbers are not Canon Numbers.


It could have easily made sense, it just wasn’t written that way. The outline of an easily workable plotline have been discussed numerous times in numerous High Elf threads and simply involved the SC going to Mac’aree to assist Alleria followed by “void things happened”.



Debateable. Some us are fine with them, but it was mostly gonna happen because nightborne were positioned going to Horde.

Yes, partially.

Whats a normal elf?

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Priests dont wear leather. The design is too similar to something a druid or rogue can wear for some of its pieces.

Someone better tell Andiun that, since he is priest.

Hero characters dont count. If so, i want my mage to 1v500 like Jaina

You know better Sara

Someone better stop calling us Hero’s then.

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Were all nameless murder hobos.

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But I asked to be a fabulous murder hobo. Being nameless is a complete joke.

My point being, while the artistic set is good
its pieces are way to similar to something from leather (heck id go farther and say those shoulders could be from hunter)

Anyways, Ima hit the sack. Before another person comes into the thread and tries to also use numbers as an argument.

But Mason, what do the numbers mean?

My thoughts are The Ren’dorei were never meant to be a High Elf compromise. They were created to get the Thalassian model on the Alliance side, Just like Horde got Nightborne to get the Kaldorei model on the Horde side.
What happened in my opinion is this. They introduced Void Elves, and Introduced Alleria as their leader. When this happened The High Elf crowd jumped all over it. Thinking we are getting our High Elves they will be blue when fighting, but be normal looking with awesome tattoos when not fighting. Then the 
 hit the fan when Blizzard made them from Sin’dorei, and didn’t give the the right colored skin


We be champions mon. Not heroes.

I see the Void Elves being described as a compromise. But they were just an unasked-for addition thrown into the lap of the alliance. It is a bit like someone unbidden taking you picture and then demanding you pay for it.

I understand that some people do like Void Elves and I don’t really want to invalidate their ardor (although, with apologies, I might), however for those hoping for alliance playable high elves it is a little galling seeing as the models are present, they walk around in alliance zones, act as alliance npcs and perform duties in almost every capacity on the alliance side except being playable.

Void Elves were an unnecessary complication to the ask, seemingly just for the purpose of thwarting that request.

The ask was simple, attainable, and present. Blizz decided to spend money, time and development cycles implementing something no one asked for resulting in terminally muddied the waters.

But the original, simple ask was never addressed.

Lore/population reasons for sidestepping have been invalidated. Silhouette reason for dodging have been meaningless for even longer. Void Elves seem to be the poison pill meant to dismantle the argument without actually giving in to the basic ask.

So, I can’t see void elves as a compromise but as a spanner tossed into the works to give blizz a way to shove their paying customers aside while pretending that they are attending in good faith.

I see the declarations that alliance high elves will never happen and that probably seems like a pretty safe stick with which to poke. But after years and years of development, xpacs and patches, Blizz has consistently failed to address this request from their paying customer base.

And that’s why we are having this discussion right now. The request doesn’t go away. It remains unchanged. We keep coming back to the request because the confidence artistry implemented by the devs doesn’t address it.

So here we still are.


Those undead night elves probably will become playable to the horde.

No its like someone asking for a plain blue shirt, and they receive a purple and black plaid shirt.

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No it’s not.

And that

was the compromise. And while it’s true most high elf fans don’t like it, it at least did that. :slight_smile: