The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

L O L I would admit I probably would make my priest a Sen’layn he’s already a Sylvanas loyalist but don’t tell SI7! Give me an excuse to make a VE warlock tho to replace my VE fix :o

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I really think MTL Media did a nice job creating that High Elf Area

i hope that doesnt happen there are already 4 elf variants to choose from in the game

he may, but i dont think it’ll happen till it wont matter anymore cause no one’s left to play the game. it’d be a retrospective. and he’s not alone in that decision making process. if some of the decision makers feel elves are too caucasian, it’ll never happen because of political pressure. but if we can get asian and african elves as examples for consideration, et. al half elves, it might might, miiiight, happen. that’s a big if, even then

The more the merrier


there needs to be 2 more:

half elves based on high elves and humans, for the alliance,

and san’layn for the horde.


I wouldn’t worry about wow going anywhere, it’ll be around for a long time to come.

no ty. i already play both sides to get the whole story, which is why the inclusion of alliance high elves for me is even more pointless than many others

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a half elf is not a copy of a high elf though.


no but an alliance high elf is and offers nothing the blood elves dont that this thread claims to love. like their mastery of magic, their new devotion to the light, the sunwell, the farstriders. thats what blood elves are and thats how we know its not about the lollore. if it was about the lore you wouldnt even be asking for alliance high elves

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He used to be part of a Horde Guild called Elitist Jerks.

He was an Orc Shaman.

Biased is putting it lightly. He’s as Horde as it gets.

Well maybe not by today’s standard, since Blood Elves are the new Horde.

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Yah I know his wow history, which i was taken by surprise when he gave the answers he did when asked about High Elves, also True unfortunately his affiliations seem to have merged into his decision making when it come to this stuff.

um, fur the horde may be the new horde. time will tell.

/picks up keyboard and smashes it into own forehead cause it wasnt helping the other way

you’re too cute to yell at. you got high elf-itis. i say half elf, you say back to me in a quote, high elf. like your auto correction feature is not working, it keeps thinking i mean to spell it high, when in fact, its half.

The complaint about blood elves being Horde was 13 years ago. Welcome to the present.


Make them Tan. Problem solved.


Was that a complaint? Or an observation?

Why are you trying to start fights Broflake lol.

Pretty sure i said feel free to never address.

Bye now :wave: :wave: :wave:

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A complaint since its what Alliance players do.

And yet you keep comingback.

I don’t seem to be the one hounding you am i? Hmmm…is this also not the Alliance High Elf thread? Hmm…

Sounds like a typical Hordie.

Say what happened to your Anti thread? Why are you not over there having riveting discussions on why High Elves are a bad idea, isn’t it your entire point to prove the anti cause its just as popular? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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