The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

And that’s still more then the entire population of Draenei.

A few hundred as stated in rise of the horde.

Plus we got a tiny handful of scholars on a rock in the Void to become an entire player race.

One with sizable armies, several towns, plenty of lore characters and 15 years of story is just fine.


Also there is more lore and story when it comes to High Elves in general, then the game explains, Like Wintergard Keep, Allerian Stronghold, Theramore, more then a few vendor npc , there are stories behind these areas. You can also look up Alliance Vanguard, Explorers league, Valiance expedition, always been Little lacking when they say a few npc high elves.


exactly if their fanfiction was true, why arent the 2 SC mages in the warfront proudly displaying their SC colors? :relaxed:

Almost all of that lore is the Blood Elf story. As far as the rest of those, they aren’t really settlements except for Theramore
 and that’s gone now. Those also exist as a particular point in time and likely aren’t there anymore. Much of the population might have been in Theramore.

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actually they are 7th legion High elves


Maybe they died in that conflict? They didn’t make it to the gates of Orgrimmar.

fun fact for you V

Most of the high elf mages in the 7th Legion are faction-tagged as part of the Silver Covenant.

all 2 of them

Who weren’t present, even though Vareesa was, at the main show. Some of thier equipment made it there without them.

same for the ones at wintergard keep?


What makes you think they’re still there?

what do you tag the ones as at allerian stronghold?

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how do you know the void corrupted high elves didnt make them :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

possibly, they could be the same 2 on the airship

what do you tag the high elves sitting in stormwind


I don’t understand.

The problem with using all these old expansion ones is that we don’t know (well, other than wintergard and alliance vanguard AND the Valiance expedition where the first is part of the second and third apparently) how many are doubled up. It’s not like each group has to be a fresh new group of people, most likely they’re continuing on, Allerian stronghold elves who decided not to go back home after learning of what went down may have reenlisted to be part of the vanguard, and go on to be in the next expansion specific army.

The problem is The Devs, Keep leaving High Elves in/with the Alliance the same time you guys say they are not in the Alliance.

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So yeah, we have more than enough High Elves when compared to other races.

It’s just picking which group to focus on.

Can we finally move on from this stupid numbers argument?


We call them Aliance high elves. You shouldn’t be confused about that.

Devs don’t have anything to do with your list possibly counting the same elves multiple times due to the passage of time

You really haven’t established this.