The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I am pretty sure he is actually saying that there are no hubs where they could pull from. Not saying that there are two few numbers for them to be playable.

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He said that they weren’t out there in the same way as other player races.

With the Release of ARs most of the old excuses are pretty much useless. Taliesin & Evitel video is pretty good at explaining why, well better then most of the anties excuses.


i base my assumption on the fact the SC numbers have dwindled to the point where having their own quarter in dalaran was no longer sustainable. why else would the worgen take over


this is exactly my point. If there are not enough of them then why are other races playable even though they have smaller populations?

and yes it is a fact if we go off the numbers given. The alliance high elf population is at least in the thousands. Many of the playable races I mentioned are canonically in the hundreds at most.


So, you got no actual evidence to support the claim of numbers within the SC?

Not to mention what was meant by pledging themselves to the Unseen Path. Did they shrink even more? A lot? A little? Were they completely absorbed?

Because those populations are made of warriors, mages, warlocks, priests, ect. Alliance high elves are made up of vendors and idle NPCs.

N’Zoth was the most wasted villain ever. Only Deathwing comes near.

We have this Old God plot since vanilla. We defeated two weakened Old Gods, then in Cataclysm we keep hearing of this N’Zoth. MoP expands Old God lore. Legion did tons of development on that front, preparing us for the looming menace of the final Old God.

But, instead of making BfA a REAL Old God expansion, with a plot focusing on it, Blizzard played bait and switch with the faction war and used N’Zoth as replacement villain so Sylvanas could bring the next expansion.

Meanwhile, Blizzard expects us to care about this Jailer nobody that we never heard about as if he were a big thing just because some characters will keep telling us how dangerous he is.


All I want is Daddy Arthas to raid again :sob:

Yup, a lot of build up and


that literally doesn’t make sense. We have seen their military capabilities. also seeing as we still see a lot of vendors and civilians for those other races yet they still have a strong military as you imply how would that be possible if they have a smaller population than high elves?


Blizzard needs to build up new villains, renew the setting. Instead all it’s doing is wasting the last few villains we have and sending us to sidequests that we are not really invested into.

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It is like the current dev leadership is in a rush to end all the threats in warcraft. I have no idea why when they could listen to players, take their time with the story, and WoW can live another few decades.


are you citing the paper rpg again?

You really have to read about the Lore of the Silver Covenant, see what they have done with the Alliance, to actually to undestand them, Not just say Hey they belong to Dalaran. It goes deeper then that. Like everything else in wow the game only shows part of the Lore.


no. I am citing what we were given.

Kael’thas took 15% of the surviving population of quel’thelas for his army. Over the course of 3-4 years of fighting and taking losses throughout various battles and campaigns it is described as “in the thousands” even still have taking severe losses and a large part defecting shattrath.

the high elf population makes up 10% of the survivors. Logically it would be in the thousands.

even if we go with the bare minimum of 2,000 in kael’s army and waive away the severe losses he took they would still have over 1,000 if 2,000 is 15%


All Blizzard needs is a lead story director for each expansion. Someone with a good storyboard who ensures it does not get derailed.


The Silver Covenant (a separate matter) has a questionable status, particularity their political ties and fealty to neutral factions and what actually remains of their forces. Everything suggests that they are Alliance leaning high elves and not proper Alliance high elves. Further, with a recent battle and pledging themselves to the Unseen Path (another neutral faction), and the absence of boots on the ground in BFA leaves me very open to the possibility that they are no longer around. The presence of Vareesa and 3 siege engines at the gates of Ogrimar , coupled with Ion’s comments, leads me to believe that may be all that is left of their forces. Vareesa and 3 siege engines. Further, even if that is false, as they had an issue with Fel powered enchantments and mana tapping worth throwing such a massive fit over, I can not imagine they will stay with the Alliance after taking in the Void Elves. Allowing them to mantain Alliance loyalty may even be doing them a disservice.

high elves(non horde) have also taken losses. the theramore pop was vaporized, one of the lodges blew themselves up too, even the SC, who only appear for existential threats with the kirin tor, have taken losses fighting those threats to the point they are absent from dalaran. they dont even have their own quarter anymore. the difference is the blood elves can go on and recover from any losses. even an alliance high elf becoming a void elf is a loss