The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Undead Monks make no sense imo. Everytime when I see an Undead Monk, I am thinking, “please, keep yourself together. Don’t let your leg fly off.”

I Also got a vibe there was still some inner arguing going on after reading
Lor’themar Theron:
In the Shadow of the Sun

Within the Sin’dorei, On the Horde and The Kirin Tor.

Or Priests, or Hunters, or Warriors.

You shouldn’t be able to do a lot of things while that decomposed.

I’m glad they’re getting no bones options.

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EVERYTIME I read something from you its so spot on, this literally just made sense to me because I do have to sit here and think why can they be monks :upside_down_face:

NB monks don’t make sense to me either, but oddly I do find NB priests to make sense on the simple count that the NB have such a belief in their society / themselves it can be made manifest to heal sort of self vindication ( I know there’s an argument they may have ties to Elune but it makes less sense to me since Elune is NE’s and seems like Elune wouldn’t bless those at war burning Teldrassil )

I’d like to see nightborne religion expanded upon. I wouldn’t be surprised if they also believe in Elune, or maybe they just treat the Light as any other power to master. Also, their role in the War of Thorns isn’t very clear, and Tyrande’s words on Elune allowing Teldrassil to burn makes me dreadfully believe that there’s more to that story than we currently know.


Hold up.

That isn’t eluding to trolling, that’s calling someone mentally ill

OH come off it. Its a forum, and jut as you go post by post you can’t claim you don’t see that nonsense.

Hence the comment of babysitting? That is a spiteful statement, and it does indeed speak about how you view and treat the individual. The notion that you’re just commentating about their arguments is hardly fooling anyone.

Unless you’re trying to single out someone, then you speak as a collective, until soeone calls youout on it.

Oh please, don’t give me that nonsense. That is literally just trying to wipe your hands of the matter while you poke at people. Not coolio dude.

Am I speaking about your arguments? Or the unnecessary commentary that eventually devolves into personal attacks? Or the unusual focus you folks have towards singular individuals?


I was thinking the Horde left them out of Darkshore intentionally, due to the kinship.

The irony of this statement imo but go off

well, new races can learn other schools from the trainers available in a faction. the pandaren on the horde, would overlook their history with the zandalari in favor of the horde faction being stronger. in effect, once a race is on a faction, it prefers the faction’s well being over the well being of any given race history. otherwise no elves would be on the horde, given the trolls and orcs were historically at war with them, constantly. and all that was overlooked when one human on alliance, who was likely textbook insane, tried to genocide the blood elves.

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Then preceded to burn down the tree in front of the poor hippie-cows.

Vareesa is a high elf. That is why.

She blames on Garrosh since the end of MoP

And none of it makes sense whatsoever given that many ofthose story lines have been closed up. Alleria’s judgements are towards the horde and she hates them purely and simply.
Vareesa abhored Garrosh, but doesn’t blame her people for joining them.

why would the high elves change their minds after MoP and take an even stricter stance toward their blood elven people and attack silvermoon? Particularly after they defended it from the Amani.
it seems forced

I actually reading the book now, Allot more making sense in the book now.

I also like the way they equate the personal attacks with on topic arguments that may be a bit extreme.

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I am sorry I tried to help you, I won’t do so again in the future bud.

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I can see that argument too! I think VE did pretty well in the class department barring pallies, I think I can think of an RP reason for all the classes we ended up with

The Horde is your problem for reunification. The faster the Sin’dorei leave the horde and join the Alliance the faster youll be one big happy family.

I believe you are missing my point. The high elves fought to defend Silvermoon and its people from the Amani. It makes little sense for a character who is often empathetic to the actions of the blood elves, to turn around and attack the very city she defended.

you know those frosted cookies that crumble to bits? I need you to know they are awful.
If you like them, you are awful too.
They taste like super sweet chalk.

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none of this will matter once the devs get rid of yer lil problem by having the alliance abandon the alliance high elves in the maw. then once everyone whoever wanted playable high/half elves, gets over the atrocity (if they are still playing wow at that point) will then be blamed for it, as if we wanted to genocide the alliance high elves, like garithos.

meanwhile, we’re here begging to be able to play them so they dont have a reason to stuff them in the maw.

Look man I didn’t miss your point when Sylvannis exploited the Sin’dorei for troops for Northrend when you didn’t have them to give, she did it for the horde not for the love of her beloved fellow High Elves she died defending. They all have reasons,