The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Fixed that for you.

They state to be defending their Homeland, and continue to show no outward love for Blood Elves or the Horde.

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Sylvanas is a classic narcissist though, and as such would view people in relation to how much they reminded her of herself. And if I recall that point it was in reference to BE’s not having a logical reason to stay loyal to her, but imo the loyalist perspective has plenty of reason to stay loyal to her especially as BE’s

Just pointing out the Fact its not that hard To see Vereesa killing a few Sin’dorei for sake of reunification especially those who support the horde.

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She more than happily did it in the Isle of Thunder.

They can claim the SC neutrality all they wan’t, High Elves were happy to be killing Blood Elves against the Horde.


Oh yeah I know I just mean the point of his you were referring to, I saw used against me for my personal narrative purposes to kill my joy or what idk. But regardless of the Sylvanas exploiting people / things, the argument for one to be a loyalist would just mean you or your character are also Sylvanas like in nature

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hyper all they have to do is have sylvanas kill vereesa in shadowlands. the only way the alliance high elf request even makes sense is if you fanfiction the tiny SC into the alliance after all. i mean can you even name ONE major and persistent SC npc other than veressa? if she dies this is all over. the story of the SC is really her story after all. since you guys dont want to reunify, death is the only recourse

It means the same thing in the end. :man_shrugging:

Smells like headcanon.
Considering we have Vareesa who provides insight on the matter, it is quite clear she cares about her people and hopes for them to change their path.
I am not sure what you hoped to accomplish with the youtube video as it just shows Halduron establishing his authority as Ranger general. Of course, you always do imagine things.

THat would work against her goal.

You mean
after Theramore got bombed and her husband died?
You mean the events she ultimately blamed Garrosh for?
You mean the events before three sisters where she looks upon the blood elves as her kin and desires their redemption?

That is cause we live in the present, and not the past.

you can make the case for Playable High Elves in the Alliance without the SC, Enough Lore other than SC is there.


Eh, they can leave her neutral for all eternity it would not make a difference to me. Void elves be the future.

Great, so now I’m lying and at the same time not closer to know what was said.

I have always found Fyre’s arguments factually wrong, full of assumptions passed as facts, repetitive and badly structured. And I feel bad for anyone that ends arguing against them. That I try to refrain from saying anything of them as a person doesn’t mean I have any respect for them, nor will I pretend I do.

And they are the only person in this whole forum that has earned that from me.

How does that even make sense?

And I say I have no respect for Fyre, I’m not asking anyone to endorse that. Why is that a “community” issue? Should I keep that to myself? Maybe, but it was literally me seeing someone else falling into the pit of trying to argue with someone who can’t even construct arguments as I have done before and commisseriating.

Chill, that’s a far cry from asking for a witch hunt.

Well if you consider pointing out a consistency in fad faith and plain bad arguments as a “personal attack” I don’t even know. Like do you really want me to just say nothing about the same asinine arguments showing on and on again and see people get roped into arguing with this person?

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Nobody deserves personal attacks to and from each other because people disagree with each other.


And why hasn’t anyone pointed out to that “personal attack” like where is it??

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The one that was quoted in the post I responded to?

If you know where it is why do you have to make me search for it? Come on

I can start naming some for myself but that doesn’t help their cause. And we’re all just here to show our love and appreciation for HE’s and the HE community and the artwork you’ve demonstrated, and lore arguments from others at the end of the day so its best to ignore the accusations / insults

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it’ll be added to the lore that the alliance genocided the remaining high elves and are in the process of trying to do the same to the horde high elves (the blood elves). and you’ll sit there and cheer it on because it removes your concern that the alliance will finally have playable high/half elves. then later, you’ll be amongst those throwing shade at the alliance for genociding their own high elves. its evidence, the alliance is racist, you’ll declare.

and here we are begging, before that ever happens, to be able to at the very least, make the diluted bloodline high elves, called half elves, playable. but since the devs have never seen fit to acknowledge most high elves on alliance are actually some measure of half elf after 3k years of mingling with humans, we’re about to witness them removing the possibility entirely. now as a fan of half elves, i can look forward to playing a mangled gnome.

Well apparrently since hitting the little arrow icon all of two times is too much for you, it rather looks like you don’t want to see what you’re defending.

I would agree of those who are among the Sin’dorei Pro Hord, But those against the Horde High Elves in the Alliance and the SC, would support her just saying,
But I agree on the Sin’dorei population especially with those who agree with joining the horde. Then there will those who could care less as long as they safe and reunified which would be small due to High Elf Commitment to Duty.

Come on man, do not assume bad faith. Can’t you just reply to it again so I can actually see it? How can I be defending something I haven’t seen yet? Jesus.

How about this one, expand the top quote from yourself where you respond point by point to the post that has the attack quoted, where you very carefully avoid quoting the attack that was made.

And if you still forget you can hit the up arrow in the first quote bubble to jump to your post where you can expand Itoldyouso’s post with ^ button if you need that too.