The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Those who left the Alliance, Those who didnt forget Theramore, those who opposed Joining the Horde, High Elves and Sin’dorei been killing each other for while now. Even in the sin’dorei there is inner arguments on Sin’dorei political decision making process. Silvermoon may be home but she dont like The horde.

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You guys need to stop focusing on Fyre, particularly when Kizzan runs around implying people are mentally ill. Before you start acting spiteful towards someone you should perhaps check your own. Ya dig?


YES! high elf alliance love

if washed up turalyon can get the most beautiful elf on azeroth, alleria windrunner, i as the champion of azeroth and human male paladin deserve a high elf wifey myself


I am actually going to look at moving it off Frostmourne to maybe Moon Guard actually, and giving it a new name. Just thinking of what to really name my Warrior, to match it’s Paladin-Void theme?

Or either that, I just use the name Sarallesta which I have also on a 103 DH on Moon Guard too, which have posted here on the forums, and give it that name.

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shrugs Just saying that while it has it’s support I’m pretty sure that it’s not really a big deal to too many people.

I think it’s one of those things where when looking at the playerbase you have a bunch of factions:
The people who REALLY want the High Elves
The people who think it would be neat if it happened but won’t be disappointed if it’s something else
The people on the Forum who are sick of our nonsense (I have a suspicion this is the largest group)
People who are vaguely opposed but won’t be bothered if they are added
People who are greatly against them for whatever reason

those of us on the ends aren’t that big of a proportion of the populace of wow. And while it is a popular request, it’s also a controversial request which has gotten the most pushback because of the unique nature of that request.

Basically just saying that there’s no where near enough of either of us to have the clout to push blizz around on this issue.

If you mean Cezol, he’s one of the nicest people I’ve seen, he can be a little aggressive I suppose, but so can a lot of antis and you all turn your heads to that so :woman_shrugging:

why would they cheer when the silver covenant, lead by veressa, is left in the maw?

Which means nothing when your suggestion is she would go and attack Silvermoon. Its still attacking her own people.

Totally agree with you. I just hope one day Blizzard can act on this particular request without stepping on anyone’s toes

Eluding to trolling isn’t the same as making fun of a mental illness, let’s not pretend to be the hurt victim sweetheart.

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Did I endorse what Kizzan -whomever that one is- said about mental health? You know you can miss stuff, right?

As for Fyre’s arguments being trash as usual. Well they are, but I try to refrain to say anything of them as a person.

Also “your own”? I speak only for myself here, we all do. We are not responsible for whatever other pro high elf people say or how they conduct themselves.

You don’t see me blaming the whole anti side for Fyre’s arguments, do you?


But either way, I am always a Palavoid.



why you gotta do him dirty like that :laughing:

I love Saraslam its kinda funny imo because I hate when melee people engage me on casters so I imagine there’s someone out there like no get saraslam while you’re slamming em in pvp! Idk about either I play Alliance Proudmoore and Horde Tich, though I do have a low level I wanted to try area 52 with but I’m really extra about my California time zone and A52 is mmmm not my timezone !

you have 4 canon alliance high elves in SW and boralus. blood elves ARE a society/kingdom. get real please

lor’themar. rommath. liadrin. halduron. even aethas. blood elven society is thriving

your 4 canon individuals are not. even the SC is on its final leg. they are veressas crutch and they arent even a tool of the alliance. they serve dalaran. dalaran is neutral last time i checked. that means the SC is neutral again too unless they decide to leave dalaran :relaxed:

antis NEVER resort to ad hominems. we have lore examples in game and out/dev commentary we can cite

It’s very easy to do when the people you’re aggression to show borderline trolling and active ignorance of what their fellow players have asked for.

They’re shocked for being bit back after bitting first. :rofl:

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I have Alliance toons on Moon Guard, Darkspear, Whisperwind, Frostmourne, Shadowsong and Borean Trunda, and have Horde toons on Barthilas, Thrall, Shattered Hand, Tich and Illidan. Overall, I have more Horde toons than Alliance toons, but spreaded across so many servers with my account holding up the limit

I just wish I had money to afford a WoW2.

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After experiencing it first hand thats how I take it so the feigned victimhood is lost on me. But for what its worth I think you’re perfectly kind, just passionate about lore!

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