The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

So you were playing the game of semantics to be annoying.

I did say pale skin AND blue eyed.
Which means, you know, having BOTH rather than an OR statement which refers to having either one.
Did you come back from your 7th retirement from the forums just to be obnoxious?

I mean if it requires changes it’s entirely because of gameplay design choices, regardless of how lore friendly they actually are; you do see that, right?

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There is enough Sin’dorei and High Elves Identity in the Lore and History, especially with the two different stories & paths the two factions went on.

I think his point was that it is not lore friendly, and for all the changes suggested, that is fulfilled by void elves.
So why not just do a lore change rather than ask for a whole other slot?

Glad we agree :slight_smile:

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Indeed, hence why at the end of the day it is a gameplay issue, not a lore one.


No, you made the statement “Because they aren’t pale with blue eyes” which is completely false.

And they are! They have both!

How could blue eyes be a factor at all IF IT’S LITERALLY THEIR ONLY EYE COLOR?!

I never had a retirement from the forums
 Where the heck did you get that idea?

Lore, game and history, shows that they turned their backs on their kin, and kingdom. It’s shows that they have since the second war mostly supported the Alliance. However them being there, and their helping doesn’t make it so people should be allowed to play them. There’s many races that help out both the Horde and Alliance, not all of them are playable. It isn’t a case of Lore, Game, History, Allows it. It’s a case of Lore, Game, History, Allows it to be possible.


yet blizzard are the ones who keep bringing it up when asked about alliance high elves

go figure

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Seems like it.
“I am arguing with you because you were not overly specific even though I understood the meaning of your statement.”.

They can look like blood elves? Or are you arguing at a mirror?

Pardon, I get confused with all the male human paladins and their male human paladin esque nonsense.
Anyway, we’re done here. You’re just trolling.

And what I am saying that all the changes High Elves “need” come from a gameplay perspective because the game design wants new races to look different. This is a necessity that is not created by the lore, lore is used to justify differentiation, and that has been proven to be of wildly differing quality -like, Void Elves-

And as an addendum to that, what Tashari I think was saying is that HE’s can be made to look different enough in a lore friendly way, meaning that a different model doesn’t have to be linked to biology.


And for many the point is that not only High Elves would be the ones hopefully becoming playable someday.


Look, you don’t need to explain to me your point of viewon that aspect, but from a gameplay perspective there isn’t a reason to introduce an imbalance in the game design, to fulfill the desires of a niche group that is dissatisfied with void elves.

If lore is what matters, then lore can be adjusted.
Look at the lore for DK’s. Frostmourne isn’t made by demons anymore.

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Aw cute, we’re ignoring the player actual request again, careful

You might out yourself as spitefully biased again. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Yup x 2.

Looks like a race with no parent race to me.

Looks like a goal post you invented to support your non-issue to me. :kissing_heart:

High Elves are yes, they’ve always been on the Alliance, like i mentioned earlier, “Parent Race” is a necessity you created and not at all backed by what Blizzard has done with 3 ARs so far.

Things you don’t agree with aren’t incorrect, you understand that yes?

Don’t think you get to claim what “Makes sense” anymore after spending the better part of a year pretending we already had the High Elves we’ve wanted.

Even though you’re well aware or disingenuously ignorant that we don’t

Hmm there we are again, ignoring what we’ve actually wanted, whats that? 3 Times in one post?

Like a new record for you, i’m starting to think Fyre has better arguments. :rofl:

Imagine hating your fellow players so much you believe the top requested Alliance AR is a “bad player request” because you don’t agree with it, even after actually reading into it and knowing what we’d like out of it, in a way that costs you nothing, but the last of your rustled jimmies :cry:.

It’s almost like you’re spiteful or something

Or you just made that up in your head.

No one is talking about them looking like blood elves.

I just pointed out your statement was wrong. No need to get defensive.

And why should I take this kind of statement seriesly? I don’t even freaken post on a Paladin

If you mean Flesh Tones then say flesh tones! Simple.

And they already have blue eyes.

There are a few reasons why they never joined the Horde, or went to the Sin’dorei, One persons traitor is another groups Patriot.

Opinionated reason not factual.

None like the High Elves, that stayed with the Alliance that Contributed, interacted, and participated in Alliance story as the High Elves Have. Which make them special and more of reason why they should be playable. Their story has been connected to the Alliance more then any other one with the Alliance since


Here is the thing though, why don’t we remove the faction barriers when it comes to some races, and just allow players to chose which faction they prefer with those races? After all, it is supposed to be Red vs Blue.

But the only answer to the perceived hypothetical imbalance is not just “not making HE playable”

That’s why I think that overall High Elves are not the “only” race that should be able to “cross” in a manner of speaking, I would love Horde Eredar even when there’s little foundation in lore for it -but hey, Void Elves- also Lightforged Human, or Kaldorei Dark Rangers or Kul Tiran Pirates.


Think they’re just going to do this for everyone.

Still believe this is why they felt the need to add a faction icon next to our characters. :face_with_monocle:

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One thing we Pro Alliance High Elf people need to remember were not here to argue with people against them, that’s something we do as a favor to them, to explain our point of view, the only people we can & need to make sure hear us are the DEVs.