The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Care to elaborate? Do Blood Elves not primarily live in their magic city? Sucking up their magic holy fountain? Constantly use magic primarily to do even daily chores? Are vastly more represented in Mages than in Farstriders?

You can’t use just this one diseased horse for this race my guy. Try addressing the actual topic before dismissing everything you see as nonsensical, Mages are people too.

“The comments of Silvermoon City Guardians indicate their cold feelings towards the Farstriders.”

Imagine Silvermoon looking down on Farstriders :scream:, it’s almost like they like magic more :thinking:

Imagine Broflake being biased, Wowzers.

Oh yeah mean how every single other AR ever has been introduced? Through a story? Short or otherwise?

You can just admit you don’t like thinking in this ideology cause you don’t like this topic honey, its time to stop pretending you have deep-rooted lore reasons.

I suspose I’m thinking of them as hunters.

The class uses nature and arcane canonically. (though legion class changes may have effected this)

If it is nature magic though the sunwell bit wouldn’t matter.

I’m just going to put it this way, if one persons argument is not valid, then it means nobodies argument is valid.

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This game is already biased with the devs actually. And I am not just going to mention just races, but also with broken and unrewarding content as well.

Yeah. both high elves and blood elves came from the same culture and region of quel’thalas. Both high elves and blood elves possess a mixture of rangers and mages. Suggesting that the blood elves, despite being the origins of the farstriders, are different physically makes no sense.

Yeah, yeah I can. Do you know why the blood elves survived the destruction of their home?

Hint: It wasn’t the mages.

Oh, and by the by, the reason they looked down on the farstriders was because of their traditionalist view which did not mesh well with the TBC era. Post TBC, Halduron is literally Lor’themar’s right hand man and responsible for organizing defense of silvermoon.

Imagine Kizzan being dishonest. Wowzers.

You mean, the allied races which remained on their parent race’s faction if they were unaltered? Like high elves would be?
Sure, I’ll take more blood elf customization options.

Be emotional like you? Nope. I prefer to look at the matter logically and without the need to be pale skinned, blue eyed, and on the alliance, like every other tired fantasy MMO.

Read the entire thing before you make commentary in Kizzan’s defense.
On that note

I just want to thank the anti’s, who are so incredibly logical and friendly! It is why I continue to support the arguments AGAINST high elves. OwO

I am not defending anyone. I am just saying. Everyone’s argument is valid.

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So, if I say the Earth is flat in spite of evidence, is that argument valid?
There are things which are valid, and things which are not valid.
Saying “high elves would be buffer” in spite of the lore, is not a valid argumnent


Just because you disagree with what someone else has to say, doesn’t make it an invalid argument.


Dropping by to support High Elves, Half Elves or anything in between for the alliance. :blue_heart:

That’s a really cool transmog, I like the hammers


Okay, so the Earth is flat because I disagree with the person, not because their argument is wrong.

If thats the hill you want to pick then go for it.

Technically an argument can be valid but not sound or sound but not valid.

Seems they were just saying the high elves could be made to look a little different from blood elves if they made them playable? Do I have that right?

There’s nothing really wrong with that idea.


The reason that idea simply does not work is because if you want to argue the lore matter then your lore becomes inconsistent and has a bunch of holes in it that make little sense.

Both high elves and blood elves come from the same place and same culture.
The suggestion is “high elves aremore outdoorsy so they might be more built!”
Problem: Blood elves have far striders, who encompass the outdoorsy actions and are known for it. So, lore wise, it makes no sense for there to be such differentiation.

Just because someone puts forth something doesn’t make it valid automatically. If the lore matters, it should always matter, otherwise, it doesnt matter and has no purpose.

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Kul Tirans have 3 different body shapes and they all come from the same place. The same could be done for High Elves if you really care about the alliance “stealing” your model.


For such a “lore friendly” request, it sure needs a lot of changes. You’re in luck! Those changes were made, Void Elves.

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tbf, alliance high elves cannot be differentiated from blood elves. because blood elves are high elves. anything an alliance high elf can get, there is no reason a blood elf cannot get. and when they did exactly what you guys said, a modified model with void elves, you guys rejected it. the only thing that will satisfy this lot is a carbon copy of blood elves and everybody knows it

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They were obviously not what people asked for. It can be done in a lore-friendly way, you just don’t like it.


Kul tirans are humans and they remained on their parent race’s faction because they are human.

They already have void elves. Same as high elves, but blue.

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No not at all, but suggesting they could become different does make sense, this is what we call story progression, as much as it doesn’t suit your case.

If they can turn Blood Elves blue and give them to the Alliance and as you have even stated, “That is different enough” then making our High Elves slightly more muscular isn’t even remotely out of the realm of possibility, i know your imagination just dies when you talk about High Elves, but lets put in a ˥ᶊᔗᔗ˥ᔉ effort babe.

You mean like how Vulpera were added because of their parent race the gob

It’s almost like ARs make more sense because they chose a side rather than your own goal post of they have to have a parent race.

Awww did we hurt your feelings defending ourselves from your ignorance of lore-nuance in our thread?

Shucks, i’m sorry.

“Stares in Fyrebusch”

You can just say “I hate player requests because i’m believed i’m owed exclusivity to a group i never had” Or “I’m just a hateful anti-alliance Hordie”, take your pick, they’re both probably right. :tipping_hand_man:

If they were the same as High Elves then why do people not like them and feel like they don’t fulfill the High Elf fantasy on the alliance?