The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

We who, Cezol. No oneā€™s seriously asking you to give them anything. When it comes to what Blizzard may or may not do as a compromise - and newsflash, several pros have commented favorably on it as well - does it really matter what you think you owe someone?

ā€œI donā€™t owe you anythingā€ is pretty empty when youā€™ve got nothing to give and no oneā€™s asked you for anything.

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Do they? With incorrect facts and ignorance of lore-nuance? Good platform.

Then make your statement, cause all youā€™ve done is alluding to the impossibility of creating a new model for High Elves, you havenā€™t said how or why.

Right, the exact same hairstyles but ā€œwetā€ with glowing bits that you think mean tentacles, with the exact same idle animation and combat animations.

Oh but no youā€™re right, their blood is different, faction identity lives another day.
My god dude. Itā€™s ok to be Hordie but willfully ignorant is different.

Iā€™ll be here when you wanna offer substantial evidence. That donā€™t involve disproved dev quotes from years back and your personal feelings on faction identity.

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We donā€™t need High Elves we need Keebler Elves so I can name mine

Sure they are, Starla not too long ago was ok with our request provided we dumb it down to her level, which isnā€™t owed at all.

Was that not self explanatory? Or did you just skip to the bottom of the thread?

EDIT: The wall of text isnā€™t necessary, get on with it, i have a sandwich to eat.

Cezol, no one cares what you declare you donā€™t owe them. Starla didnā€™t say ā€œCezol, give me this, you owe it to meā€. No one has said you owe them some compromise you donā€™t like.

Now, if you want to hop into the veiled insults likeā€¦


ā€¦take off the veil and letā€™s just get to it.

Thatā€™s swell, let them know that when they decide Half Elves are OK but only if they look more like Humans and less like Elves, in which case since the request wasnā€™t thereā€™s to begin with, and only offer their ā€œis allowed ifā€ as a way to take away more of the High Elf idea, arenā€™t owed jack in changing our view of it.

Which i donā€™t need to remind one such as you, that is exactly their goal.

No website sadly. I have Instagram but never update it.

Still waiting for that reference to someone saying you owe them agreeing to a compromise. I realize since no one did, Iā€™ll be waiting until Hell freezes over.

I will miss you too!

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Or just scroll up to Starlas text, since at this point, this is more your curiosity than mine.

It happened, just cause you skipped it on your way down here doesnā€™t mean it didnā€™t.

Bye now

You might consider twitter. Iā€™ve seen quite a few wow artists there. :art:


If you cry, Iā€™ll cry.

Cute, might as well just come out as an anti, you seem to love gifs and videos as much as they do :kissing_heart:.

Or keep up the neutrality dance, makes you so interesting.

Avarie, can I request for a beautiful artwork of my mage? Please? Same mog and all


Youā€™re confusing me with Reno - Iā€™ve never been in favor of playable High Elves in the Allianceā€¦ever. Just because I donā€™t think we should be at each otherā€™s throats over the matter doesnā€™t make me neutralā€¦Iā€™m not, never have been.

They do. Everything else you complain about is just you trying to find justification to disagree and say they are wrong. unfortunately, they arenā€™t wrong, they are th devs. They make the game and write the story. The reasons they give you donā€™t matter if it means no.

I literally made it to you earlier and you proceeded to somehow, misinterpret it. I also explained it to Sara as well.

Its different enough that they can be seen as different. That is all that matters.

You keep bringing this up, but fail to realize if the toon I play is relevant, so is yours. :man_shrugging:

Bye bye

Reno is neutral. Murg has always been anti.

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