The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

As I have always said “feel free to ask for them.”
Just as I always say “I am free to oppose what you ask for.”

Now if you want half elves or sethrak. I will fully support you, just not high elves.

And yet, you act like it is the wrong thing for the Pro’s to ask for something that they would love.

Agree with this; it’s specifically what the devs have pointed out.

To which point, we can either argue with the reasoning why this is a necessity to maintain, or conversely, talk about ways high elves could be distinct enough.


I did say something about that, but that also backfired too :frowning_face:

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you pretty much touched on the difference between a core race and an AR. ARs are meant to be a cheap way to introduce new races without wasting time and resources. and ARs get around the population argument because they are DISTINCT. they have their own unique flavor

as blood elves are high elves, alliance high elves are an exact copy of a horde race. so they introduced the void elf narrative to give something ‘like a blood elf’ to the alliance. and its a pretty cool narrative, youre part of allerias elite void covenant operating in the shadows and showing their true worth on the battlefield. thats far more interesting then a blood elf with a different political opinion :woman_shrugging:

Well if everyone was on board with either then there wouldn’t be a discussion about High Elven playability heh


Yes, for several reasons I have outlined but sure, I’ll outline them again.

  1. High elves are too similar to blood elves. Their design is so entrenched with blood elves as well, that if you gave a new model, it would immediately cause issue for game design let alone community.

  2. It would not be what the Alliance deserves. My preferred alliance always has, and will be, Alliance. They jive with what I find appealing most. They need more variety, not run with the stereotype.

  3. It waters down the faction boundaries even more so than void elves and nightborne. Both of the allied races I dislike for various reasons. I can’t do anything about it, so complaining about them is pointless.

The best compromise would be to advance the high elf story that they become void elves. It separates them further from the blood elves, and it can come with more customization options.

I am not sure how many hours I have left, but my time will be up sometime tonight. I am not sure when I’ll be back. It’s been great talking to you guys. I’ll keep posting until it stops letting me.


 Oh well, atleast we can still say hello and chat on discord

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Facetious or not, whether High Elves should already be completely unified in their support of the alliance for them to BE an allied race isn’t something asked of MOST other AR races, let’s be clear.

Literally all other races save for DI and arguably Maghar were completely Neutral previous their conscription. That the SC has ALWAYS been such an alliance supportive group is not a requirement for playability, just a tremendous bonus.


Awww, well take care of yourself, keep doing art, and hopefully we’ll see you again


If it is facetious it does not warrant addressing because I already know the flaws in such a premise.
What matters is those gameplay design issues and nothing else .

That’s your best compromise, which we don’t owe you in the slightest.

The rest of your points are personal what ifs, with 0 evidence to support the destruction of faction identity with.

If it didn’t happen with Pandaren and it didn’t happen with Void Elves and Nightborne, it won’t happen with High Elves, especially with a brand new model, because contrary to your belief, most people understand that “red is the enemy”, and that’s all the faction identity they need.

Wonderful how the UI works, hu?


It is the best compromise you would find from Blizzard. You can try and devalue me all you want, but your value is the same. They don’t care

Nope. They are matters addressed by the devs which I agree with and support.

A disaster the devs said they’d never repeat.

Lengths were taken to make them not a copy. Look, Sally and Peter don’t want to share the same doll. So you give them the same doll in different colors and suddenly it doesnt matter. Works on adults too.

One ex-employee said he wasn’t particularly fond of them being neutral. That does not equal to several devs affirming neutral Pandaren were a “disaster”.

Be fair.


I don’t need to, your blanket cries for authority do it all on its own, if you can’t back up any of your points without crying to daddy, knowning everything he can and will do in the future, you were never valued.

Oh goodie, please do go ahead and link this little chestnut, i’d love to hear all the “grueling and impossible coding required to add High Elves with a unique model”

Like literally taking the Blood elf model and making it blue? Grow up Broflake.

If you believe that the copy-paste Void Elf model is entirely unique as compared to a completely new High Elf model, than you have nothing to offer this argument but baseless and biased bull, as you always have.

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I am being fair, which is why I didn’t quote the dev when I stated it. Disaster is my interpretation, and unfortunately, that is what has occurred. The entire story for the Pandaren is forced, and nothing has been done with them story wise ever since their MoP introduction.

“I am mad that the devs support your stance and not mine. I will now insult you and bait.”
You’re not really going to convince people of your stance by insulting them.

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat’s a strawman.
I made no such statement. Read again.

With tentacles, and purple blood, and other customization options blood elves don’t possess.

This makes no sense after the sentence you uttered

THaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat’s another strawman.

That is because you wish to see what you wish to see. Addressing what people say is too inconvenient for you, and you clearly won’t learn if the same is done to you because you’ll have your buddies come and wag fingers at others to preserve your pride.

Thank you, I plan to draw as much possible.


I was just springboarding from you because a lot of people have used that argument before hehehehhe

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I am absolutely horrible at keeping in touch with people after a shift from like forum to just one on one, but do you have like a website you put your art on?