The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Not our High Elves, cause they were never there.

We back to this for the 60th time?

Ignoring nuance yet again are we? Weā€™ve never wanted your group of Blood Elves.

We sure we arenā€™t trolling antis?

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Heā€™s my fave half elf, and one of my faves from Lord of the Rings.

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Spellbow really have been an unused concept. They are the perfect marriage of Dalarani and Farstrider cultures, and I like the implication that while magisters and Farstrider didnā€™t mesh and actually stood as sort of enemies in Thallassian culture, somehow they actually mixed in the environment of Dalaran.


A class like that would be amazing. I am not sure Iā€™d play much else.

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Soā€¦Alleria and Lorā€™themar never worked together during the Second War to fight the Horde? Therefore, being the high elves that worked alongside the alliance in one of the greatest wars to hit Azeroth?

Meanwhile, fourth war? No high elf army.
The void elves do have a history with the alliance. They may not have recent history, but they do have history.

Is a spellbow basically a Dark Ranger type farstrider spell casting thing?? If so Iā€™m all for this idea

So how many threads has it been thatā€™ll reach the cap and Blizzard still doesnā€™t get the picture already?


Hehe. Honestly I do think we need another ranged class, and a ā€œmagic rangerā€ could work oh so well theme-wise:

3 specs, each one fulfilling different archetypes in the lore.

Arcane: Spellbows
Death: Shadow Hunters and Dark Rangers
Nature: OG Druidic Rangers, which can be further expanded to Tauren and Night Elves.

Oh FFS, here we go with the disingenuous gotchas.

How hard is to get weā€™d like the High Elves that NEVER left the alliance, that NEVER joined the Horde?

How hard is that to understand?


Actually Iā€™m thinking it about as Magical Rangers, where each spec is a different school. Arcane for Spellbows, Death for Dark Rangers/Shadow Hunters, Nature for OG Druidic Rangers -which lorewise would also serve so well for Tauren and Night Elves-

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If thereā€™s an expac after shadowlands that should be the class, and high elves would make perfect sense for the alliance race or an ar.


That would be the ideal class, for my Dark Ranger fantasy and just as a rdps since weā€™ve not got a new rdps, seems VERY fitting to HEā€™s too / applicable

Quite a number, but that does not mean they will do it.

My original claim was that the void elves have had history with the Alliance. That they WERE high elves and as such, had history with the Alliance.
Kizzan stated they did not, and their assistance with the alliance is minimal.

It is MY assertion he disagreed with, and as such it is the context to which the debate occurred.
You sticking your head in to go ā€œbut theyā€™re not our high elvesā€ is just you coming in to tag along on a bad actor whose demanding people agree with him on an argument that is not being made.

The subject was void elves and their contributions, not lore dependent group that Blizzard holds no consideration for in design decisions.

Right! They never give the Alliance what they want. Silly me.

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Come on now, donā€™t say never. They did give you Dark Iron Dwarves, and they did give you Worgen, and they did have you win the war. They did nerf Horde racials repeatedly.

Thereā€™s a big difference between not getting the picture and getting it but refusing to act on it. Theyā€™re not unaware of these threads, or the ones that went before them.

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And just more disengenousness when your original point was

You are just making the silly generalization that High Elves were all the same, when the whole point is that even before the BEā€™s came to be, there were elves that never left the alliance.

The majority of Quelā€™thalas did not care about the Alliance during the 2nd War, they joined out of duty and were glad to leave it.

The whole point is that we want the HEā€™s that never left, thus never became Blood Elves, thus never joined the Horde.


Yea. I mean wouldnā€™t mind seeing Void Elves get some High Elf Customization Options or atleast with Humans getting Half Elf Options too. I mean most people on my Server RP as Half Elves.

Yea its simple. you just add some Half Elf Options to the Humans and blam. You got Half Elves running around in Alliance. XD


Theyā€™ll still Elves just Half Blooded with small pointly ears.

should we expect ā€˜normalā€™ skin tones for nightborne so they can look like night elves as well?

and no, they dont. im on your server as well playing both factions

This is actually rather easy to explain.

The Horde, as many are well aware, and which has been admitted to by Blizzard a few times themselves, is the favored faction of the company. And when I say this, I donā€™t mean that there are a few people in the company who play the Horde, but the gameā€™s lead dev- the person in control of the direction of the game itself- plays Horde EXCLUSIVELY and could give a crap less about the Alliance.

This has of course, led many Horde players to adopt a spoiled, ā€œme me meā€ mentality where they are handed everything they want on a silver platter, because wellā€¦ thatā€™s exactly what happens- Horde ask for better racials? They get them. Horde ask for Magā€™har? Done. Horde ask for Nightborne? Of course! Horde ask for Zandalari? Naturally! Horde asks for Vulpera? Absolutely.

So of course, since this is a two-faction game, the Alliance gets stuck with sloppy seconds- handed races with barely any thought put into them. Because why would we deserve anything nice? Weā€™re not the favored faction. The wonderful allied races we get are such innovative ones such as: Draenei who are all explicitly white. Fat humans. Diaper gnomes.

We are given these and expected to like them, even though we ask for something different.

The mentality of horde superiority is a mindset that is pushed out by the devs themselves, so of course many Horde players are going to believe that they deserve everything good, and that the Alliance can get whatever scraps are left over.

The mere thought, the mere IDEA of the Alliance actually getting something we ask for, is therefore, an alien concept to them. So much that their entire mentality rejects it. They cannot comprehend it. Itā€™d be like dividing by zero!

Of course, not all Horde players are like this. But I assure you that the ones who are opposed to high elves being playable on the Alliance are these exact kind of people.

Hope I shed some light on the inner-workings of these guys. :smile: