The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Almost every depiction of Half Elves is basically a High Elf with slightly shorter ears and eyebrows and a slightly rounder face or just a straight up High Elf model.

Alodi, Galadin and Giramar are just High Elves with rounder faces and smaller ears/eyebrows.

Arator and that other NPC I forget are just straight up High Elf models.

The only exception is Kalecgos who isn’t even a real Half Elf and might be an example of any ratio of Elf and Human that they call Half Elf for simplicity.

So the idea that they wouldn’t look at all like High Elves or wouldn’t use an alteration of the High Elf model is unfounded.


When did this occur?

At the gates of orgrimar, with the donated SC ballista and Vereesa scouting against the Horde.

Can’t wait for your take on the SC overwhelming neutrality Broflake.


No, I don’t have the same problem with them, because one of my main issues is
 High elves are an iconic Horde race and I value the distinction between the factions. Making them more human or at least resemble humans is not as much an issue for me. However, I still would rather get a race for the Alliance which is unique and distinct from what already exists there.

However, if you prefer I can do what you do - not listen and just attack everything you say.

Underwhelming Alliance support doesn’t help make your point. Especially as we’ve established Vereesa, apart from the SC, is part of the Alliance.

Then you should of thrown a fit when we literally stole your Blood Elves in the way of Void Elves.

Not now, when we’re asking for something that you never had, our group of High Elves. Not the group of Blood Elves you continue to disrespect by calling High Elves, even when they don’t see themselves as such.


Really? Who else was also present at the gates of Ogrimmar? Wait
I have the answer.

Oh look, I see Horde banners in front of the gates too.
It seems
another MoP moment where they overthrew Garrosh.
So, they weren’t against the Horde itself, just against Sylvanas.
If they were actively helping against the Horde, where were they during the actual war?

SC weren’t present throughout 7.9.5, 8.0.5, 8.1.5, 8.2, 8.2.5.
just maybe
its because they live in Dalaran which is neutral
and they obey the Kirin Tor
which declared Dalaran neutral.


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They were even more changed that making them more human. Which, I’m sure you didn’t need me to point out.

Where were those Ballistas in the warfronts? The actual war.

Oh I guess you were a Sylvanas loyalist, since you weren’t flying around outside the gates in full view of 3 high elven ballista, like us none edgy traitors. :tipping_hand_woman:

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Maybe they were donated by Silvermoon and never repainted. Maybe the level designers meant to use red ones? Maybe we’re all colorblind?

Blood elves worked with the Alliance when they still held the title of High elf
they are the allies you had. Besides, you can’t claim ownership of something that isn’t playable. Where is your outrage when humans help the HOrde?

They’re characters in a book, no one cares.

They were uh
one sec
need to set my draw distance to max

Gimme a few years I’ll find one eventually!

You do realize in the Sylvanas loyalist questline you fly around the outside of the gates. You would know this, if you played the game Kizzan.
The best irony is that the ballistas were put in such a remote place that unless you actively looked for them like an obsessive high elf fan, you didn’t see them.


Since our views on the matter are so different ill agree to disagree with you, there is In my Opinion and how Lore has taken the two on different paths in the story, enough Identity Of The 2 factions Of High Elf and Sin’dorei for them to be shared by both Alliance and Horde and Playable by Both.

Also Please dont mistake My disagreement with you as a personal attack i do admire how you defend your opinions on the matter. I am still how to learning to be more factual and less opinionated on these forms.

Yes of course, the magic they used to turn their city red conveniently missed those ballista but not the thousand other blood elf ballista we’ve seen the blood elves have.

There’s a point where you’re just reaching, you understand that right?

I dare you to respond to this without “I know you are but what am I” :kissing_heart:

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To be fair though dalaran isn’t involved in the reseige of Orgrimmar. Vereesa is there clearly in support of Alleria. Whether she actually represents the SC in that capacity is hard to tell.


Thanks for agreeing with our point Broflake, and I actually caught them out of the corner of my eye, because they weren’t stashed away at all, you can put your tinfoil hat away :joy:

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I’m curious to learn how the Silver Covenant feels about Void Elves joining the Alliance. Considering what they did when Blood Elves used fel to power their enchantments and drained mana from worms.

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I’ve understood that the Novels aren’t considered cannon/in their own universe, and the game sometimes draws from them.

Aye. That would be nice to know. The void is not exactly in line with high elves views on things. If dabbling with fel power crystals and draining mana really caused such a division (along with siding with the horde) void has to be troubling.

Here we see, the bad actor ignoring eeeverything else about the post.

Hey, where is the SC during the actual war Kizzan?