The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Chronicles is a book released by Blizzard.

What is Costco like American Aldi?

She asked me a question, is that ok with you?

Its a bulk grocery store.

Does anyone else feel this way? I feel like the way this thread is set up is more ideal way than the old helf megathread in its simplicity. Its basically like"Hey. We love high elves and want to see them playable". That’s all there is to it.


She actually made a statement.

Nah, we’ve got Aldi here too

Ty for refreshing my memory a bit on them . I see no problems tho in adding them to the game . I think before I used to be anti helf until I thought about it n I was like you know what it wouldn’t be so bad to have them tbh . Opinions can change over time you know . So now idk why people are so mad over having them ? To me after I thought about it it seemed really silly to be mad at .
I think they would be really cute imo .

She didnt ask you anything. She simply said ahe sidnt know much about lore, and you drop a description of the race she is playing


Sort of like

Blood elves?

Sure whatever.

I have no idea what that place is lol so I guess ?? it’s like a food store that like you can buy stuff in bulk . They have sample ppl one time this lady gave me a huge cupcake as a sample lol best day ever but yeah I guess kinda if that’s what you referring to ?

The World of Warcraft website is also managed by Blizzard.


Aww, you think i’m cute, Guzzle? Bats my eyes flirtatiously at you, and hair flips for dramatic effect before giving a pinup pose.

Your quite welcome, :smile:

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 Is a fansite.

Hey sexy :kissing_heart:

I want to taste your hair.

“This article is a copy of “The Warcraft Encyclopedia,” an official article by Blizzard Entertainment. It presented information about a variety of things in the Warcraft universe. The original article, formerly located at, did not survive the overhaul of the World of Warcraft Official Website.”


Yes ! Me too I like the sesame seed hot dogs and huge churros and yummy frozen yogurt for $1 it’s great !!!

And Chronicles is also an official source approved by them

And again, since you seem to be missing the point here.

Honoring their fallen doesn’t make them a different race.

It doesn’t matter if Kael’thas or the people themselves adopted the name, saying “I’m gonna call myself X because my father died to zombies” doesn’t make them a new race.