The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Just because Ion said it does not mean he’s right is what I’m saying.


I think someone just has a crush on him.

Because as we all know, if you agree with someone on one issue you’re duty-bound to agree with them on literally everything.


Well when someone is painting it as Ion knows best in this situation disagreeing with him in other cases means he doesn’t actually know best.

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Well put :blue_heart:

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you know, if you let the ‘high’ elves go, the alliance can focus its energies on other groups and races that they stand a chance of getting. its hard for me to see other posters complaining about how the horde gets everything it asks for, yet those same posters continue to pour their energy into the pursuit of the impossible :thinking:

I have a crush on myself as well, so I totally get it.

I put energy into Vrykul, High Elves, Sethrak and Dryads and I’ve gotten none of them so far. :smiley:


Ion does know best
 most of the time.

Ion is a lawyer who was a raider primarily. He doesn’t write lore, and being the lead dev doesn’t make him an authority on the lore. Even people who write books don’t always remember every detail in their stories, and wow stories have been written by many different people over the years.

And quite frankly if they can pull void elves out of nowhere it wouldn’t have been difficult to make people who already exist in the game playable.


If a dev says “high elves are too similar” there is little to say on the matter after.

So you’re saying he doesn’t write the lore but then he’s to be blamed for decisions made by the writing staff?

New races aren’t solely a lore question anyway.

But either way, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the lead dev is relatively knowledgeable about the lore.


i feel kul tirans were a twist on the vrykul request

already playable as blood elves. so they gave you void corrupted high elves

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Be careful, that’s a shaky limb to be on.

So we got everything we wanted but with a “twist”? Cool.

Can I point out how much I miss Ythisens? He was such a cool CM and even he said he wouldn’t mind High Elves on the alliance :sob:


You couldn’t be more incorrect. It’s more than likely you’re recalling the various proposals selectively, with emphasis place solely upon the worst proposals, because it suits your preference to do so. :man_shrugging:

Proposition 1: The Storm Staff of Antonidas (“Storm Elves”): Back in MoP, blood elves got access to the powers of anima (blood), while the Silver Covenant helped Jaina create the Storm Staff of Antonidas, with the powers of vita (lightning). We didn’t see the Storm Staff since then. What if
 Jaina worked with the Silver Covenant to study the Storm Staff?

Now, away from Dalaran, the Silver Covenant use the Storm Staff as a new power source.

The high elves that pass a ritual involving the staff are cured of their magical addition. Now, they have lightning eyes and tatoo-like lightning marks over their skin. They also get new skin and hair colors (in addition to some of the normal ones), as well as access to the shaman class.

Their crest becomes a blue thunderbird rising from a lightning bolt.


Proposition 2- Azerite as a power source (“Celtic Elves”): With azerite now available, they find out a way to use it to feed their addiction. Due to its raw power, small quantities of dusted azerite are enough to create an arcane paint, which they then apply to their bodies.

Picture them like “celtic warrior” elves, with colored warpaint patterns over their faces and bodies (like Alleria’s warpaint). Imagine that their skin tones are all very light/pale, and you actually choose paint pattern and colors (blue, green, violet, golden), making them easy to differentiate from blood elves.

Now, with both Alliance and Horde seeking more azerite, the high elves help the Alliance to secure some of it for themselves.

(A small note: the idea about warpaint over their bodies is a small callback to Warcraft 2, in which upgraded elven rangers had colorful painting patterns over their faces. This idea just makes that distinction an imposed cultural necessity for the high elves.)

Their new crest would be another callback to Warcraft 2: a silver unicorn over a blue flag.


Proposition 3- Seeking the night elves (“Silver Elves”): During the Insurrection of Suramar, the Silver Covenant fought side by side with the night elves. While they distrusted each other initially, their mutual hatred for the blood elves and their allegiance to the Alliance made they see they are not so different anymore.

As the hight elves are seeking a new land to settle in, the night elves, interested in helping them overcome their addiction, offer them a moon well. Feeding from it, the high elves become somewhat closer to their kaldorei kin. Their skins get paler, their hair colors lighter, their eyes glow brighter. They vary from a some traditional skin and hair colors to a many new ones not available to blood elves. They also start tatooing their faces like night elves. Plus, this proposition could open them to the druid class.

Now, with Teldrassil burned, the high elves decide to help their new allies with their rangers and magical powers.

Their crest is now a silver fenix over a blue background.


I’ll grant you that of those three options, Proposal #2 doesn’t lend itself to creating a unique enough aesthetic for High Elves – but this post is but one of hundreds (yes, hundreds) which have popped up over the years endeavoring to demonstrate how High Elves might become aesthetically unique from Blood Elves .

There aren’t any nails in any coffin, until High Elves simply don’t exist on the Alliance anymore – and until then, it’s perfectly reasonable to presume Blizzard will utilize them in some fashion going forward (though I agree, it won’t be as clones of Alleria Windrunner).

Also, basically every long-winded post ever written explicitly states they don’t expect them for at least two expansions – owing to the fact that, as you mention, we just got Void Elves in Legion.


No it’s not. People constantly claiming Ion doesn’t know anything about the lore is like my dad screaming at the TV to tell the sports guy what to do and how much better he knows.

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humans should be on the Horde until the day come that Blizzard stops having humans who are friendly to the Horde.

Never hurts keep asking for something that has been asked for and keep letting the Devs know what would make Alliance Players Happy. As far as I am concern there don’t even need to be debate between the two groups pro and against (both sides know what the other want already). That’s not most of these post are about anyhow, (imho)

Blood Elves and High Elves are the same race. Period. Two different political factions of the same race.

Void Elves, on the other hand, are no longer the same race.

We have three groups of Thalassian Elves, one GMO Thalassian offshoot race who are formerly members of the Blood faction of the Thalassian race and two non-GMO factions of that race.

Genetically Blood Elves are High Elves.

Politically and philosophically there are differences. One group turned their backs on 90% of their kind, refused to honor their fallen, and refused to aid in the rebuilding of a Scourge-shattered nation and instead chose the safety and comfort of Dalaran, Stormwind, Theramore (until BOOM) and a hunting lodge. One group struggled to survive and rebuild that nation while honoring their fallen King and their fallen brethren.

Bloods and Crips; mortal enemies, both human, both the same race.

maybe if we renamed High Elves Crips we could bring west coast elven gang warfare into warcraft. Bloods and Crips, Elves at War