The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Don’t get me wrong, I like Vulpera but they’re not some breathtaking work of originality. They’re goblins with tails and fox heads.

Zandalari beg to differ with you.
I would say nightborne buuuuuuuog and did

Definitely has to be Zandalari.

So, you finally found the crossroads the entire discussion is at an eternal stalemate at? xD Kudos to you.

I’ve brought it up to them before in the past, I am hoping they will listen for once.

No, but did you measure their femurs? Completely different.

Also just 10gb until I can leave you losers behind and go massacre women and children as a blonde prince while spending the entire time saying UTHER.


I did. Its in this thread somewhere. I in fact did it more than once.

Huh? Oh I see. I meant to suggest you weren’t paying attention. Its clear you’re playing, you’re a 120 and you care enough to be here. Didn’t think I’d have to spell it out.

D’aawww your feelings hurt don’t they? Did Fezzy call out your blindness? Your incapability to pay attention to the lore and questlines and the obviousness of the High Elves being different than the Blood Elves?

I just
 you’re an idiot. They’re a different group at this point serving a different faction. Folk been asking to play em. Not only does this not actually affect anything at all, but claiming they don’t actually exist is the dumbest argument ever. They’re there.

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To be fair, a less creative person would’ve pushed those water goblins as the goblin allied race


it really isnt a stalemate. the anti position has been validated. everything the game director said on behalf of the dev team almost 2 years ago now, is what we have been saying. what he said was almost a summary of our entire position on this issue :wink:

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Hey man, no need to be so aggressive :frowning:

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Well yeah, but that doesn’t make them creative. Talk to me when there’s an entire bending and cracking of the rig like the Zandalari did to the troll rig.

That job was MWA so tasty, so fresh. You kissa your mama with thata mouth?

Jeez mate, take a break. Go get a Snickers.


I am not playing hide and go seek for your arguments.

You shouldn’t be confused.

You’d have to have some importance for me to care. You’re being rather aggressive for being called out on flame baiting. If I say anything more harshly I am sure you’ll get worse. So I will calmly point out your immature behavior.

Throwing insults because you’re upset I do not agree with your head canon is no reason to be upset.

Only some ally with the high elves. Some are neutral, some are hostile to the alliance. The SC has been absent ever since Khadgar declared neutrality so, they are not aligned with the Alliance it seems.

Play a blood elf.

Where did I make such an argument? Quote me please.
Otherwise, you became hostile on something you fabricated entirely on your own. Getting emotional over something I haven’t said is rather

Particularly over something I never said. Its pretty funny really.

I mean, he was in the discussion arguing the first point and the second, then it was like he was suddenly a deer in headlights moment when he realized what was going on, haha. xD So I just had to poke fun at it, that’s all. :stuck_out_tongue:

don’t make me go Illidan on you.
You’re going to get optic blasted.

I’m so sorry. XD It was just a funny moment to me!

By this logic – PVP vendors are never coming back because they’re too hard to find, titanforging is a brilliant mechanic and master loot wasn’t good enough to stick around for guilds.

Thanks Ion! Best dev ever! He has never said or done anything detrimental to the game! :smiley:


That’s a strawman entirely.