The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Fact: People say High Elves are playable, but Blood Elves actually do not consider themselves High Elves, which means, High Elves are not playable.

Playable High Elves for the Alliance.


“I’m here to throw trash at a player request that doesn’t negatively affect me as much as I believe it does but IM the victim”


Pure logic there, can’t argue against that.


Damn you Blizzard and your GCD on the forums.

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I’m definitely gonna take that serious considering the source

Don’t care what you take seriously.

I just described what we all see you doing. :man_shrugging:

Especially since you continue to prance around not citing lore.


I wanna like this but I am out of likes!! Curse Blizzard for limiting likes :pleading_face:

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Agreeing with you in this case?

That’s all I’m saying, they’re the same base of people, the argument shouldn’t be that there’s some great difference between the two but that whether the political divide of the thalassian people is enough to justify them on the Alliance. Everyone just keeps acting like I’m trying to say that they haven’t changed their name.


Do Sin’dorei Live among Alliance races?
Do Sin’dorei have Human Mates,
Do Sin’dorei are there Half Human Half Sindorei Mentioned anywhere
Do they dress Alike
Do they go by the same name
Do they Follow the same laws
Does their Societies follow the same law
Do they have different Political Alliances

Alliance High Elves & Sin’dorei are different

Cultural** differences are the various beliefs, behaviors, languages, practices and expressions considered unique to members of a specific ethnicity, race or national origin. 
 While these various differences can create a more vibrant office, they can also lead to more than a few problems resulting from culture clash.

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Plenty of people hold on to their culture after moving among another culture. Doesn’t prove anything on its own.

How is this relevant? For all we know maybe there are some that haven’t been in the story. But really, why would that mean changing the culture? What if the human adopts the elven culture?

Culture isn’t really a uniform.

Plenty of cultures have sub-groups that have a different name. Does not require a change of culture

Does the lore even go into this?

Not really a sign of differing culture on its own. Just differing friends.

if high elves are not playable as blood elves, then why did blizzard create void elves? :smirk:

Really bro, The time the two been apart and where they been while apart that’s the response you give. I am done with debating with you, I agree to disagree with you.

What am I supposed to say, Vareesa is there copying the farstriders for her organization, you have a bunch of lodges that seem to have just split with Silvermoon while continuing to do what they do, there’s evidence that they still make pilgrimages to the Sunwell. And for a long lived race it hasn’t been that long.

I don’t think minds are going to change on this.


I’m sorry, but you choosing to support helfers is not going to make me ‘unhappy’, please. If anything I’m glad to see you do what you think best. Also it doesn’t hurt that your arguments are kind of laughable. I’d rather see you fighting for them than us.


Nope, so bring on the Half/High Elves so we can end this debate!! :smiley:

Jeez, such toxicity in this one sentence


Pretty much why I said I’m done debating with Terrok neither one of us will change our minds no mater what is shown.


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This seems fair, until you recall that any/all suggestions made by players that even hint at Blizzard leaning into divergent aesthetic elements for the existing High Elves are immediately disregarded as fanciful.

I would personally agree that HE’s and BE’s are similar in many ways, sharing a plethora of cultural mannerisms; but I also recognize that it wouldn’t take much effort at all for HE’s to become wildly divergent, owing in great part to their preexisting political enmity towards BE’s.

On a related note, it’s mildly ironic that High Elves being shifted towards something aesthetically unique is so vocally opposed by those who enjoy Blood Elves, considering the Blood Elves themselves experienced a rapid-onset aesthetic and cultural shift beginning with TBC and continuing through to the present. :man_shrugging:


way to exaggerate.