The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I’d love to see that source

“Void elves are culturally distinct to High elves OR Blood Elves because they’re blue now guys”

It’s actually exactly head canon for you to believe Void Elves are actually culturally different from their 2 sister groups, please try a little harder.

Who cares what someone is actually arguing, if you pretend they’re saying something else it’s so much easier to strut around like you actually made a point!

Thanks Alamara!

I’m still waiting for you to argue lore with actual lore.

Your headcanon does not count.


Go away until you can stop trolling and address the point I made, not the one you want to pretend I did.

Your point is not real, Tarrok.

And this is the High Elf Love Thread. I’m not the one who should go away.


How about you go away otherwise see these Night Elves here, pretty sure they would like to have a barbecue cook off.

/points at all the Night Elves

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I think this’ll come eventually. It’s just simply too good of an opportunity for it not to.


Could you try and get some new jokes?

I mean really, this gets tiresome, half the time everyone agrees that they’re both the same people with a split in opinion and the argument is whether that split is enough to justify making them playable for alliance. Which is fine and the main crux of the matter.

But damn every so often someone has to try and claw that back to pretend that no, it’s not just a political schism and name difference but that the blood elves are a completely different thing. It’s like I dunno, either they think that’ll be stronger of an argument or they just want to start up a fight that’s already played out over and over again.

But you wouldn’t know anything about that last bit, I’m sure.

So, you support the cause that High Elves should be made playable for the Alliance.

EDIT: You are support :joy:


??? Wait are you saying changing your name gives you a new identity. Does that mean when a person gets married and changes their last name they become a new person? Does everything that they did up until then cease to exist. Mass murderers can wipe the plate clean with a name change.

In that case Sylvanas won’t need a redemption arc just a name change

(being sarcastic. I’m well aware that Blood Elves don’t call themselves High Elves any longer. Biologically they are still the same race though, a little fel radiation doesn’t change that.)
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Glad to hear you realize that they are playable on the Horde, thanks for the support!

Almost all the reasons have been silenced for not Having Alliance High Elves, The Only reason I would even consider is the Look A like just to make the anties ( since that means so much to them) happy, But only change the looks that reflect eachs own trials, history/ lore, hardships.(imho) Technology is there now to make them different enough but keep their identities.

“People complains about me quoting out certain parts without fully quoting”
“People does the same thing”

And no, Blood Elves are playable on the Horde. Blood Elves have no longer considered themselves High Elves.


Then becoming inundated by the Void doesn’t, either.

-Pull a portion of a line out of context to make it look like someone said something opposite of what they said
-Whine about how hypocritical it is when someone else does it to them

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Can’t believe I’m complimenting a Mechagnome but that name is fantastic.

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Then don’t do it if people don’t like me doing it.


Sin’dorei may belong to the Horde, But High Elves are Alliance.

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Thank you kind sir. Compliment received.


Don’t pretend you’re the victim here when you’re the one starting things.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.