The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Because Prince Kael’thas returned to Quel’Thalas and saw his people ruined, and dead or dying. He renamed his people to Blood Elves to honor those that weren’t able to be saved. It was quite a devastating time for the High Elvhen
 It was literally just a change of name. Nothing more, nothing less.

And then there were those High Elvhen that didn’t want to remain, so they left. Those are the High Elves that you see out and about, that are not called Blood Elves, that are loosely affiliated with the Alliance here and there.

Ok its all over why not now, Alliance isnt holding them hostage or anything.

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But the point of the identity of “Blood Elf” is to mourn the loss of the vast majority of the population of high elves. It’s a memorial to the high elves, not a abandoning of it.


Truly you misunderstand.

Also the quote you responded to doesn’t say that. It says blood elves don’t consider themselves high elves. It admits what is clear to see for anyone who isn’t an idiot that blood elves have different priorities and behaviors to what high elves do.

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I call myself an Attack Helicopter now. Do I cease to be a Human being by genetics because 10 seconds ago I said I was an Attack Helicopter? I happen to be quite fond of Apaches

Admit it you want the race for the looks not the lore. its ok your favorite dev already admitted it.

Not to mention High Elves that do call themselves High Elves don’t consider themselves Blood Elves


 WHAT? What even is this post?

Why dont you want the Alliance to have High elves.

I think you were speaking about your own response and your ignorance.
After TBC, that aspect became entirely defunct.
Before your start popping off at least make sure its warranted.

Why do you have a problem with the High Elves being playable on the Horde?

Hahahaha ha. Oh you’re serious?

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Because there’s not even enough High Elves in existence that aren’t calling themselves Blood Elves to even fill a small city? Because High Elves are literally Blood Elves in literally everything, even from the Development team’s standpoint/stance and design philosophy? Because they’re still heavily ostracized by the Alliance? Because of like 30 other different reasons that i’ve said over the years, that people just blink and scroll past my posts, and continue to reiterate the same spheel, so the argument continues to eternally run in circles?

Because your Horde Lore don’t allow it, its one of the reason why High Elves don’t going running back to the Sin’dorei. Horde has killed to many of them among other reason of course geeze.


You only make a memorial for something that is in the past.
Mourning the lost is not the same thing that considering you are the same as them.
It’s in the blood elves’ very declaration of identity that they are not high elves anymore.


My error was taking your’s seriously. Clearly you’re babbling facetiously.

Is it? They seem to still be the actual heirs to the legacy of Silvermoon, the capital, the government, the organizations. But they went through massive trauma. Fine they may not call themselves the same but they are still the same people, the same nation. In all but name they are the same as the high elves in the past. There’s a mourning for what they lost, but not an abandoning of their identity, just a new stage in it.

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When your people turn their backs on their families, friends and loved ones as they are dead, dying, rotting, losing their minds or otherwise going insane because of magic deficiency, you don’t go associating yourselves with them. And, in that time, Prince Kael’thas renamed his people to the moniker, “Blood Elf”. In honor of those that passed (and there were quite a figurative ton of them that did.) Building a simple memorial for something like that is just not enough. The entire High Elf race was at the edge of annihilation. Besides, I doubt in that time period they WOULD have been able to build a memorial.

He keeps talking. Weird.

You’re wrong and it’s so obvious I just assume you’re not actually trying to argue anything.

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This is a 15-year game. Find me a single instance of blood elves calling themselves “high elves” in the entire game, please.

Then we talk.

I do have instances of them differentiating themselves from high elves. Plenty.