The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°


I identify as an Attack Helicopter now. Did I just cease to be a part of the Human race? Homosapien? Did I simply cease to be human because now I identify as something else in name 10 seconds ago?

Not my point, not going to jump through your hoop.

Blood Elf, High Elf they are all the same people, they have the same heritage, the same nation, one group decided to fight to rebuild what was lost and memorialize the fallen, the others didn’t.

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So you can’t find any actual lore to back you up, then.

Have a good day.


There is no where in the game that Blood Elves are called High Elves or Quel’dorei.

The only time where I have seen them get called by there race mainly is actually via the Ellesande cinematic where they were called the Sin’dorei while Vareesa was called Quel’dorei.


Other than say the wow page for blood elves that talks about how they’re the high elves of Silvermoon with a new name?

Look, you have proof that there is any meaningful difference between a blood elf and a high elf other than their opinions?

That they were high elves, right.


They didn’t magically mutate into a new thing because they changed their name.

People in this thread have called High Elves traitors for staying with the Alliance, but when you say you want to play them then all of sudden they are Blood Elves, Identity of the Horde, hands off. That’s what happens when you make the decision on looks and not lore.


Citation needed Danth.

Are you Kizzan’s new alt?
You’re just as obnoxious.

They are not the same people anymore. Most of the remaining High Elves do not share the same political agreements, or priorities than what the Blood Elves have, and according to the Warcraft Encyclopedia, behaviours too, though I am actually yet to see the behaviour side apart from the SC refusing to accept the Blood Elves into the Kirin’Tor.

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It doesn’t matter. They themselves do not consider to be high elves. This is expressed by devs and characters multiple times over the years.

Your opinion does not beat lore.


Is nobody going to answer the question that I have asked twice, or are we going to continue this discussion in woeful, blissful ignorance? If I call myself an Attack Helicopter, did i just cease to be a human being? Well? Did I?

If nobody will answer my question at this point, I’ll answer it for you all:

No, I did not cease to be a member of the homosapiens–Human beings–because that is what I am, no matter how I call myself, whatever designation I go by. I am still a Human being. Same. Thing. With. The. Blood. Elves. They are still High Elves, just calling themselves Blood Elves.

Your point?

Do people just get into a thread and skip to the very bottom? Do you not even skim?

No one is question that Blood Elves are High Elves, we want the High Elves who do exist and do not call themselves Blood Elves and have not been apart of the Blood elf story.

Seems to be the nuance that you, antis and 90% of WoW players seem to miss when it comes to this topic, the nuance of us having never requested for your Blood Elves but our High elves that have already been apart of the Alliance, just unplayable.

Calling you out on your blatant trolling for ignoring nuance doesn’t make me obnoxious, just makes me the few people who see through your obtuse bull. :man_shrugging:


Except they denied themselves as High Elves long ago when Kael’thas renamed his people.


Oh no, they are questioning that Blood Elves are not High Elves. They are definitely arguing this very point.

Except at that point of time, they were mourning High Elves going through the apex of destruction that befell them
 And some of their people decided to walk away.

That doesn’t change what they are. I mean, really, generally arguments within the same group can get more heated that arguments with an outside group. So saying “Well they disagree on this thing” is meaningless in the discussion of whether two groups of the same race and culture are now different.

They all come from Quel’thelas, they were all one group up until Arthas wiped out most of the race, they share the same history, the same relatives.

Neither does your insistence that your headcanon being lore make it so. Nothing in game says that there is some massive shift that turned blood elves and high elves into anything other than one family with a big argument.

In name only.
Blood elf refers to honoring the high elves that died to Arthas. They consider themselves the same people as they were before. The devs expressed this, your opinion does not trump them.

Funny how you reference devs but don’t acknowledge Ion’s statement as valid.

So you are Fuzzy’s alt? K.

Hey pot.

By the way, I’ve never seen you put forth a good argument.

Dear lord its still here. I thought by now you’d be distracted by some other perfectly sensible thing someone was requesting so you could go be contrarian to it.

Play the game, Its pretty clear there is a stark difference between High and Blood Elves. Its more than enough to justify them being a separate entity. Ya’ll just blind and dumb. Or you’re trying too hard just because its what you do.

Not an alt. I’m very clear when I’m using an alt, Arelia and Kyuu are the ones I most often use. You can normally find my alts by looking at the guild, it’ll be some form of Recluse.

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And yet, they still do not consider themselves High Elves.

Where in the game have you seen a Blood Elf called High Elf?

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