The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

D&D stuff? Are you a DM, or a player, or both. Been playing D&D for decades.

A fairly green DM. Nobody else wants to do it, so somebodies gotta step up to the plate


I think you will do great, and will get better as you go along. I’ve never DM’d but for years I did run a group of 30 different characters in the campaigns my brother would make. One fight could last for hours.

I love tea. I should get some for reals if I ever leave the comfort of my blankie.

I am not good at drawing but I do it anyway. It’s 34 degrees here.

I am not sure I’d be worth commissioning.

My day has been fine.

I hope you get better soon!

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Show me, I command you.

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Hang on


is that High Elves


I stayed beneath my blanket for as long as I could. (Meaning until the cats got to demanding for their breakfast.)

62 degrees is a tropical heatwave, turn on the air conditioner and try not to die of heat stroke. passes you an Ice cream to cool you down. :grin:


liked for the Lucifer gif
 also Hello


Wait, C or F?

And if it was F, wouldn’t it actually be a tropical coldwave?


You’d be surprised at how much artistically illiterate people like myself and (probably?) Itoldyouso are amazed by people who can draw. Have confidence!


jesus, Celsius would be deadly.

F of course. :smile: anything above 50degrees F, is getting into uncomfortably warm weather.

The streets of San Diego are cold I ASSURE you but maybe just cause I’m born and raised here?? You can’t catch me out without winter clothes on rn

Yes F not C !! Its cold !!

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Imo any-race undead would be very popular, especially undead elves.

And that’s what we’re trying to change. :slight_smile: We’re trying to make them see that for a considerable amount of players High Elves are not Blood Elves. Making a new race doesn’t always guarantee more money either (Pandaren? Mechagnomes?)

Meh, I’m not fond of them tbh. I have a rather “bland” taste in races. But even if this were the case, none of the (AR) races developed over the last decade look like the Castanics, on the contrary, they gave us Kul Tirans
 :confused: perhaps they should fire their marketing team and hire a new one lol

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In my opinion future allied races should prioritize more popular options. Y’know what’d be hot/cute though? Half Elves :sunglasses:


What is this confidence you speak of and where do I buy it?

62C is still chances to survive.

Hmmm, 50F is 10C. Apperantly it is going to be 95F on Saturday here, but been mainly hanging around in the low 80’s