The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

On that you I will have to agree.

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Remember Alleria also brought them into the Alliance. Without her they may not have been accepted. Blood Elf magisters, enemies of the Alliance, joining us after dabbling in magic that’s opposite to our holy magics? Unlikely. They owe much to her


Well then we shouldn’t even bother arguing over whether playable High Elves make sense or not lorewise.

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You guys give some people waaay more attention than they deserve


Blood elf shadow priest is a new race? They have tentacles :stuck_out_tongue:

True but she could just be the representative to the Alliance, maybe something akin to Aethas in Kirin Tor without being her own faction, like in cut scenes instead of speaking for VE’s her quotes could be more “I will consult Magister Umbric I’m sure he will agree”

And then the Alliance was it pre MOP or pre Legion they were soliciting the Blood Elves to join them again, wasn’t Alleria’s whole mission to convince Lorthemar to renounce the Horde, seems like the Alliance has been all too eager to get Elves descended from Quel’thalas back into the fold, so even Umbric on his own they could have finessed a story in to make them accept him.

I see what you’re saying and I understand that’s the route Blizzard is kinda going with it, but Umbric seems like he’s being side lined for Alleria where he shouldn’t be :confused:

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They don’t
but also I agree.

I can see how a little fel radiation is the same as,
The felblood elves are a group of Kael’thas Sunstrider’s most loyal followers, who were rewarded by Kil’jaeden with the gift of being allowed to gorge themselves on demonic blood for days

also lets see Glowing green eyes, compared to
In addition to bearing runic tattoos, they have developed various demonic features, such as unnatural skin and hair colors, horns, and what appear to be small, black-feathered wings — as well as cracks and openings in their skin, which reveal green fel energy glowing from within. Their cuspid teeth are prominent and drape idly out of their mouths during speech, giving them a vampire-like appearance. Unlike the Wretched, who lose most of their hair, felblood elves seem to bypass this aspect of corruption.

i might RP my Character as being Felblood Elf, but lore wise in game she in nowhere close to being one. A little more and they will be Felblood Elves, i wish but it’s a bunch of BS.

It’s not as cold as it has been outside, yet my room is freezing and I am a popsicle.

How is everyone else today? I have yet another idea for a high elf I want to draw, a rogue.


Give’s you a hot cup of tea sweetened with just a drop of honey to warm you up.

Hello Averie :smile:

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Well here lies the difference. To the horde and the blood elves the high elves are the traitors. To the alliance and the high elves quel’thelas and the blood elves are the traitors.

It all just depends on your viewpoint. Do you place your loyalty to your nation above your allies or do you place your loyalty to the alliance above your nation?

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Leinadh, I have brought this up multiple times in the past on Broflake.
All that matters is the development view point, and that brings major obstacles.

You’re right, I should ignore you, Callistus, Cezol, and Fyorsing. Thanks for the advice.

Its not the same. I want tentacles ALL the time.


Pretty good I am done with my juice cleanse today! And idk what cold is to you but its 62 today and that is FREEZING to me so I feel you! Good luck on your drawing!! Let the creativity flow!! I wish I could draw :o , I’m really only good at public speaking and anything that involves talking lol

How so? If lore literally doesn’t matter, implementing High Elves couldn’t be easier. Different model and boom, new allied race.


Show me one of your drawings and I may commission something out of you.

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Morning Avarie :yawning_face: I only just woke up, so my day has only just begun. And how was your day?

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Stayed home from work today cuz I’m sick. Physically bad, but mentally well. Gives me some time to work on my D&D stuff

On a somewhat related note, anyone have any music suggestions for D&D sessions? I’m putting together a playlist for ambient noises and battle music of varying intensity levels


Give me tentacles, or give me death
 hey put the guns away. :cold_sweat:

(This is Izzabelle just thought my Shadow priest was best to use for this post,) :neutral_face:

Lore never mattered. Remember, they wanted blood elves on the Horde since it was a twist on things and it worked in their favor. The lore and writing came afterwards.

There are a few issues with this idea and I brought it up before.
Currently, the Alliance possesses the blood elf model already. So, ifthey create a new model and name it “high elf”, then it gives the Alliance two models of a race that has been developed already. It creates a problem where they now need to do the same for the Horde to ensure equivalency.

Secondly, because Blizzard has already deemed high elves playable as blood elves, they don’t want to spend the time developing somethig new for what is finished for them already. It doesn’t guarantee them more money than making a new race.

For example, you know what would be as popular as a high elf?
Anything that is hot, muscular, or super cute.
Imagine if we took the Castanics from Tera and made them available as a neutral race without any requirements to unlock them.

Particularly if they had th same animations? Probably most popular race in WoW.