The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Lore excerpt from Demon Hunters in the character creation screen:

“Demon Hunters are a hero class, which means they start at a high level. Demon Hunters are dark outcasts that use gorbidden magic to hunt and kill their enemies”

Nowhere it is stated there that they’re supposed to be considered a different race.

Oh please be fair here, you KNOW that user whose name starts with an F LOVES to repeat that same argument endlessly.

That’s from a lore except?

I didn’t actually state an opinion on the matter, I just said I don’t think the UI is a lore source.

But to be fair, why would a class summary say anything about their race?

Personally if I was to put my opinion into the hat I’d say they’re a subrace. Sort of like dire trolls are a subrace of their parent species of troll changed through blood magic.

That’s the class description in game. You can also check the official WoW classes webpage.

But then Void Elves should be considered a subrace, not a whole new different biological race.

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Which isn’t a lore excerpt was my point.

They are a subrace of blood elves, but void elves weren’t just tapped a bit to the left. They were significantly changed. There are biological shifts on a huge level that aren’t present between even trolls and dire trolls who are essentially just bigger, angrier versions of the other.

They are biologically separated from blood elves in a way that blood elves aren’t separated from high elves.

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So were Demon Hunters. In fact, their transformation is even deeper - they have a demon soul inside.

Why wouldn’t class descriptions be considered lore excerpts?

I agree.

Well that’s up for debate. But if you think the fact that they didn’t make a new race for one class is proof that they’re the same, I dunno what to tell you.

The UI isn’t a lore source. :woman_shrugging:

Edit: Oh wait, 22 new races. I forgot about DKs.

All I want is consistency from a lore standing point. Either Demon Hunters and Death Knights are a new different biological race or Void Elves and Nightborne aren’t.

The official WoW website is a lore source:

Well, Nightborne are definitely a new race because they’re specifically mentioned to have become a different race in Chronicles.

I would list DKs and demon hunters as being biologically different to their parent races in a similar way, but due to the way the UI works and gameplay considerations they’re just chucked under the same heading.

A website isn’t a UI feature, a website has a UI.

My god, what is so hard to understand about this? Next you’ll all tell me I’m playing a different race if I set my UI to French.

when i make a blood elf dk, its a blood elf dk. it’s not anything else but a blood elf dk. i cant make a blood elf dk under the orc race.

Je ne peux plus ĂȘtre dĂ©rangĂ© par cet argument stupide. Regardez, c’est en français, donc je ne suis pas Guzzle je suis GuzzlĂ© car selon vous les fonctionnalitĂ©s de l’interface utilisateur constituent des diffĂ©rences lĂ©gitimes de contenu. Amusez-vous Ă  vous tromper.

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Se é para falar numa língua diferente, eis minha contribuição.

Aqueles que defendem que Caçadores de DemĂŽnios ou Cavaleiros da Morte sĂŁo “novas raças” esquecem-se que um indivĂ­duo, ou uma coleção de indivĂ­duos, nĂŁo formam uma raça. Raças sĂŁo no mĂ­nimo uma cultura ou comunidade que se propaga e prospera. Um elfo sangrento deformado ou corrompido Ă© sĂł um elfo sangrento deformado ou corrompido.

A propósito, elfos superiores jogåveis na Aliança, por favor!


That may be so, it’s a well reasoned, logical argument.

However, I don’t think the UI listing classes as separate races is the deciding factor in it.

You don’t see goblin and worgen DKs being listed as different races and they’re from different groups of goblins and worgen than any other class. Blood elf racials don’t even make sense for belf DHs. Blood elf racials specifically mention mana tapping and the arcane, blood elven Illidari were never taught these skills since they learnt to tap fel directly from Illidan.

You wont ever get consistency on lore. It is whatever the devs decide in the moment.


I am noticing something weird.
As I scroll, Hyper’s post is 15400, afterwards, the number changes to 15385

Completely agree Hyper! Especially since the start we have Alleria saying “we are children of the void now” indicating all they went through which is basically the same name change Kael did the blood elves “we are Sin’dorei now” but they are still ELVES Thalassian elves. Clicking on any NPC and they say tons of Thalassian lines, are they still the SAME blood elves of Quelthalas no they are Void infused Blood Elves.

Just like you pointed out BLOOD ELF DKS

I honestly cannot take most of the helfers seriously when they push head canon no matter the information presented to them.
So I’ll just do the following

Here to show I am against high elves! :smile::heart:

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The intelligence and kindness of the PRO HE side continues to astound me, and the knowledge that they present lore in a way that I love reading up on is truly appreciated. I continue to support HEs in the hopes they get them and can RP their hearts out :sparkling_heart:

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Weren’t you the guy that got angry I tried to help you?


Here, let me try

Here to show my daily 110% show of support for playable Half Elves :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :100: :muscle: