The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

10,000 years separated from each other, constant consumption of arcane energy.

Involved in a ritual meant to turn them into ethereals, got out early enough to still be elves but very clearly changed significantly.

Spent about 5 years near some crystals used to power buildings.

You could argue that yes, in a way they are diffrent races. Death Knights being part of the Undead and Demon Hunters fusing with and fighting a literal inner demon

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I was asking for Demon Hunters, not those.

Aha! So then Blizz is once again inconsistent with the term “race”. How quaint.

but you dont go to the demon hunter or death knight race to make one. you go to the blood elf race to make one. they are blood elves.


But again, there is no biological change between “high elves” and blood elves.

Whats the inconsistency here?

Rock solid lore argument right here.

The UI.

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i thought what the devs say is the final word?


yes there is a biological change. it’s not as extreme as what happens to a blood elf death knight, a blood elf demon hunter or a void elf who is a blood elf who underwent an experimental accident.

What does this post even have to do with mine?

Oh I’m not arguing that Blood Elves and High Elves are biologically different - I do believe fel radiation could make biological changes (Blood Elf children are born with this trait, and we have a generation of Orcs who were never even exposed to Fel and yet they are green), but again we’d need the final word of a dev, Afrasiabi preferably.

The inconsistency is with the way Blizzard uses the term “race”. Demon Hunters should be considered a different race strictly speaking, and yet they’re not treated in game as a different race. Void Elves however are. And Humans and Kul Tirans are the same biological race, and again they’re described as a different race both in the game and on the allied race webpage.

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death knights and demon hunters are different from their race, hence the unique customisation options.
death knights are undead
demon hunters are demonic
them being an existing race is purely because of mechanics


well either the lore trumps the devs or the devs trump the lore. if the devs program the game where you have to go to the blood elf race to make a blood elf dk, that must mean the dk is a blood elf still. and i’d say thats a much bigger biological change than an accident, the end results of which accidentally make the persons skin a different color and their scalp sprout …“growths” but at least they’re still alive and look almost identical to blood elves in every other way. well the males have better beards.

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But see, knowing this, I’d LOVE a demonic race. Demon Hunters should be their own allied race.

You have yet to prove this. Glow color is more a trait than a change or it would not be reversible. And if no glow is present, is that enough for a AR slot

Look I’m sorry but I don’t consider the UI a lore source.

Does anyone? Is that a thing?

nope it isn’t. but then i want half elves, or at the very least a modified high elf - meaning if they were in head to toe armor, they would look different from a blood elf.

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its the final word on the subject or else you’d have a demon hunter race. but ya dont. ya have the blood elf race, and various classes they can play as.

You guys usually resort to it to tell us that High Elves are Blood Elves.

No, it’s the UI.

No, that’s a lore excerpt from the character creation screen. Not the actual features of the UI.

Besides which, please point to someone doing this, I’ll wait.