The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

the argument that a void elf is not a blood elf because they were changed by the void, is incorrect, for the following reasons:

  • when i go on the character creation screen i can make an undead blood elf death knight. its race is blood elf even though its changed by being undead. so biological change is not enough to claim void elves aren’t blood elves, especially when they look exactly like blood elves except for the effects of an experimental disaster. a person’s race doesnt change because they have a skin color/hair change from a disaster. silly ya know? egads you have a disease… .welp guess you’re not a human anymore.

No one said that, she made that up.

Broflake just said that void elves were biologically different from blood elves.

and blood elves are biologically different from the high elves who didnt undergo the fx of the fel. but they are all (blood elves, alliance high elves and void elves) High Elves. so how can they not be blood elves, biologically? if i get a disease that causes my skin to look like wood, does that mean i’m not biologically human anymore? if you are irradiated by a nuclear accident and grow an additional ear lobe, does that mean you aren’t biologically human? the argument is silly. void elves are blood elves and both are high elves.


Agreed. Would of made it more interesting and had someone like Taoshi as the alliance Tushui faction leader

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No, they’re not and they didn’t.

I feel like I need a catchphrase to explain how the blood elves didn’t consume fel energies since everyone seems to come down with explosive amnesia every 10 minutes about it.

See that would have been an actual ideological split as well with potential reasons to kill each other instead of “yo we vaguely like reacting and they vaguely like acting”.

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one of these things is not like the others. haha

One of them has been cut down to remove context that changes its meaning?

and blood elves are biologically different from the high elves who didnt undergo the fx of the fel.

nowhere does it say consumed fel. it says they are biologically different because of the effects of fel. and then i go on to say but they are still high elves. just because you are biologically effected by something, doesnt mean you aren’t human or blood elf, etc.



were they not effected by fel radiation? whats the point of cleansing the sunwell if it didnt need cleansing? why did their eyes change if they werent being effected by fel radiation?


Eye glow is not a biological change, its magical. Its not permanent

that seems like a logical argument. its kinda tip toeing the line regarding magic having an actual biological effect on its user - for example: withering, addiction, etc.

Blood Elf kids have fel-glowing eyes, even in areas where there is no Fel radiation in game. That is indicative of a biological change.

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And you know for sure they weren’t born in Quel’thalas, do you?

And we know that the color of the glow can change, thats more a biological trait. A change would more be like if they stopped glowing altogether.

high elves typically dont have an eye glow.

Except when they do.

yeah a bit confusing.

Fair enough, but I’m trying to understand your logic here:

Nightborne: different race (Night Elf: original race)
Void Elves: different race (High Elf: original race)
Blood Elves: same as High Elves

What about Demon Hunters? Are they a different race?

and death knights.