The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

They do take the Pandaren seriously. It’s just strenuous for them, apparently, to write lore where they are in conflict with one another. I, for one, see no actual issue with this, and they should make those Pandaren individuals. Hell, it worked for great dramatic affect in the Siege of Orgrimmar as far as I am personally entitled to my own opinions. They could do so much with it. But they refuse to even try.




Daily reminder that Chen should have been the Huojin faction leader.


Having the same race on both factions when it was not intended clearly damages faction identity and development. You know, Factions are one of the main things about Warcraft.

Hurt me?, not really. Annoy me?, yep.
Blizzard is telling a story and they decided to move on a certain direction and made choices. Im not going to support a bunch of resentful players who have been using all sort of excuses to get something thay they believe was taken away from them. Do you really think this is all about High Elves?, lawl. They’re just a little cute excuse.

I was where you are. I tried to listen to them and believe that they were honest about their request, to be peaceful even after they hurt me and the things I supported. Soon you will realize the same thing that I did. I’ll look forward to it hun, maybe we can be besties after that xx

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If I do a kissy face at anyone but Reno Lorithyn might win his heart though.


Treat em mean, keep em keen.

neutrality definitely hurt the pandas, and has prevented them developing a strong narrative within the factions. there is no point in compounding that mistake by adding another neutral race :neutral_face:

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This is why I don’t date in real life, too complicated. :cry:

To be fair I was not pro until recently and I haven’t seen anything but kindness from people who want to RP in a RPG game lol

You would make a great comedian darling. If you ever need a hand, make sure to call me.

Some good peeps on the Legacy of the Quel’dorei Discord to,

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It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just be like “ooh yeah, you’re as handsome as my grandpa was during the war now buy me a token pls Daddy”.

Just don’t make it weird.


It works, can confirm.

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Did you use a kissy emoji? :kissing_heart:


So you aren’t throwing a fit over Void elves because?

You have no proof that adding High Elves would destroy faction identity other than your personal feelings

And you believe that’s evidence enough to not add the most requested Alliance AR? Sure.

You and other antis like to believe that having High Elves in the Alliance takes away from Blood Elves on the Horde, when it’s all just 2 separate stories of the same ancestral race.

The main “Thalassian” story is still and will still be, with the Blood Elves, as those are the main group of Elves from Quel’Thalas, adding High Elves as an AR takes absolutely nothing away that hasn’t already been “taken” from High Elves presence in the Alliance since before Blood elves were even added and then again with us literally getting your Blood Elves in blueberry flavor.

So tell me again why you believe faction identity is important at this point in a post AR world.


Hey grandpa, you are as sexy as a token during the war, now buy me a daddy please?

:kissing: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Too weird?


It’s so hard to hate you lol

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The monkey :speak_no_evil:, it’s all about playing the damsel in distress.

I’m just over here laughing now
 xD I can’t even

No, no, weirder. Tell me you want to wash my hair.

Oh yeah that’s a classic.

As a man, love cat sets my heart a flutter too. :heart_eyes_cat: