The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

It obviously varies from person to person. But to say they’re not culturally different is ridiculous.


Oh look, you don’t have an actual reply in reference about High Elves not being Blood Elves, with a comment now about Humans.

No it’s absolutely not. The act of living with other cultures isn’t of itself a cultural difference.

Your trying to compare a year to How long the High elves been with the Alliance & How Long Sin’dorei Has been away from the alliance you saying they are not different Culturally?

Cept they are the same?, Blizzard themselves made it pretty clear.
You had that pretty clear no longer than two months ago lol.

If I were you Sara, I would chose better who to trust. After all, you’re not going to be the first one to get backstabbed by them.

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A political alliance is not a cultural difference.

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Do think the United States and Great Britain is Different Culturally?

all high elves come from the same place

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The only thing Blizzard is good at making clear is the same thing over and over
 the whole, “Blood Elves are High Elves” argument is really getting old and over rated.

2 people =/= the entirety of the Pro Helfers.

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Yes, they absolutely are.

How long did that take

it took multiple generations to get there. can you get to your point

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2 People?, lol. They lied to you that much about what they did to me and the others?. Thats low.

Also, the truth is not overrated. It just makes delusions fade away, and sadly thats all the Pros got.

What, 50 years, waves of immigration, different history, different ethnic make up, different geopolitical realities. Not “we broke off the the UK we’re magically different now.”

Oh right, so lets then discuss on what the Anti’s got?

Oh that’s right, false claims that it would hurt the faction identities and faction stories.

So, lets answer this question: If High Elves became playable, is it going to hurt you, is it going to effect your game play, is it going to effect your mind?

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Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it false.


How long have the Two groups the High Elves and Sin’dorei been separated.

15 years at most

It might be good for people to step back. It’s getting a bit heated.


So, then prove it that it will hurt the factions.