The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

As to follow their traditions and unit make up, you said that crap.

The fact they’re aligned with Dalaran does, though.

if people were truly ‘high elf’ fans they would follow the narrative that blizzard actually wrote for the race rather than trying to scare together the semblance of a storyline for a tiny, absolutely tiny, knock off group who lurk around dalaran in an attempt to recreate a stereotypical fantasy race alliance line up

honestly you are a perfect example the harm playable alliance high elves would cause to the blood elves. ty

Blood elves do that too.

They have different unit make ups which can be seen In crystal Forrest, Also Sin’dorei more militaristic.

Let me stop you
 Right there

The true High Elven are running by the moniker of Blood Elves, and are currently affiliated with the Horde. Lor’themar may be scripted to be the forgiving type, but if WoW were real, the High Elves that splintered off, rather than remaining, would be seen as outcasts and traitors of their own kind.


They are different in culture, Silver Covenant follow the original High elf Culture. When i say true i mean Original Culture wise.

Uh, not really? Blood elves have farstriders, they have magisters and they have everything else they’ve always had.

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They have so few people there is no way they’d frame it that way. The blood elves want their people back together

Both sisters had Human Mates, Both Groups have different LAws when it come to alliance, both have different Allegiances, Horde Are Sin’dorei, High elves Follow original Tradition , High elves still live along with Alliance, they are different. They even dress different, and have different names

A political alliance is not a cultural tradition. Especially since we know for a fact how much Quel’thalas always disliked the Alliance.

If anything the blood elves leaving was them exercising their traditional mistrust of the Alliance.

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They may NOW want those things, but splintering off at the apex of their societies’/culture’s downfall? That is not something that would be immediately forgiven at all.

They are different culturally,

:rofl: :joy:

no, the SC exiles are not the sole representative of a high elf in the game. in fact, they are the least relevant segment because we have the playable traditional high elf that are the blood elves


Dont take my word for it go look in game and read the Lore, its all there.

You said that not me,

Okay except you didn’t provide any way in which they’re different besides political affiliation.

They don’t have different names, they can’t. They still all have their names from before the split, they didn’t all change their names. You’ve completely made that up.

Do Sin’dorei Live among Alliance races?
Do Sin’dorei have Human Mates,
Do Sin’dorei are there Half Human Half Sindorei Mentioned anywhere
Do they dress Alike
Does their Societies follow the same laws

High Elves And Sin’dorei are different

Look up what it means to be culturally different bro


again living in dalaran is not unique to ‘high’ elves

They like to cite random stuff of a website that is very well known for its non-canon.

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