The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

That’s exactly what the leader of my stalker fan club would say.


eye color for high elves is reflective of the magic they are exposed to most. its not a mutation :joy:

this was unnecessary

Scratch that, read to quick.

I wanted to


The most appropiate song to go with that gif

If we all can’t get along then Here is some doggos.


Are they kissing for the ball or are they fighting for it.

“The bold and courageous dwarves are an ancient race descended from the earthen—”


“Although the night elves still struggle to cope with the loss of immortality, the fate of Azeroth rests on their resilience and willingness to aid other races;”


“The clever, spunky, and oftentimes eccentric gnomes present a unique paradox among the civilized races of Azeroth.”


“Believing that this gifted race would be crucial in his quest to undo all of creation, Sargeras contacted the eredar’s leaders – Kil’jaeden, Archimonde, and Velen, offering them knowledge and power in exchange for their loyalty.”


“Couched in myth and legend, rarely seen and even more rarely understood, the enigmatic pandaren have long been a mystery to the other races of Azeroth.”


All emphasis added. So, no, the problem isn’t the game being vague – the problem is you trying to pretend it’s vague, as a self-justification for vague statements.

What is most interesting, is that nearly every single fully-fledged member race is specifically designated as a distinct racial grouping – whereas nearly all Allied Races aren’t, and this includes Void Elves. :man_shrugging:

That isn’t what I claimed, or anywhere close to it.

What I suggested was that all Blood Elves aren’t intrinsically bound to the Horde, just like all Worgen aren’t intrinsically bound to the Alliance. The fact that they’re friendly with the Alliance, demonstrates this to be an accurate assessment.

The Forsaken Portal Masters can’t be interacted with, Silvermoon Scholars can – furthermore, Lor’themar specifically brands all Void-users as traitors. (Edit: Meaning, they’re almost certainly disallowed from even being in Quel’thalas. You can hardly be considered a die-hard loyalist, when you’ve opted for self-exile by embracing forbidden magic.)

The original discussion was regarding whether or not races are intrinsically bound to their faction, and I provided a list of examples wherein this isn’t the case.

You don’t agree, fine, move on – most everyone reading this thread, with any actual knowledge of NPC’s and story, will see your posts for the drivel they are. :man_shrugging:

That isn’t the problem, the problem is this game has like 10,000 times more text than a Harry Potter novel. If someone asked you, “where does it say Dobby was given clothes?”, and you say, “in the books”, it’s a terrible citation and you deserve to be berated for using it. :man_shrugging:


Can we all at least agree that more options (that includes high elves) is always good? Like why would you not want more options?


Fighting. The ball is high elves and the opposing dogs are the pro and antis
 the 3 rd one obviously isn’t blizz. Maybe Murg though.



I think they must be sharing like how one day the Horde and Alliance will share the same Thalassian Elf with pink tones

this works to heh I like it


Hmmm, I wonder which branch should I pick.

Nah. Not per the lore really. Like, Night Elves have different eye colors in the lore, like the War of the Ancients trilogy, where Malfurion and Illidan’s eye color marks them for great things.

High Elves, despite the Sunwell being a font of arcane energy before Arthas dips a lich in it also didn’t keep High Elves from having different eye colors.

The Blood Elf change and then the light purification are newer things.

Whether or not Void Elves have different eye colors hasn’t been revealed, though it’s unlikely and Nightborne are exposed to an arcane fountain, before they get nature fruit magic, and have similar eye color to Void Elves
 but not to High Elves

It’s largely a gameplay mechanic. But it’s stated in the novellas that the green eye corruption is real.

Using terms like, “Mutation” doesn’t work very well in WoW because WoW has creationism and magic rather than genetics. Elves exposed to magic tend to physiologically change.

Azshara turning Lady Ashvane into a Sea Monster is more of a magical transformation than a “Mutation.”

And so what you need to know is that Fel magic changed all the Blood Elves. That’s a physiological change
 and as far as WoW elven races go, qualifies anyways.


Anyways. Goodnight. Gotta sleep. Patients to treat in the morning.


I dunno, if that one is like my dad’s dog was, they’re ALL his.

If I came back as a dog I could do a lot worse than a Golden. Thanks Ely, that works for me. :slight_smile:


The 3rd dog is Reno, the only neutral party that frequents here


Probably one of the best natured dogs. Although my Maltishu has been a fun and enjoyable dog to own for a little one.


Yeah, Reno would work there too. But Murg is extremely fair and has always asked for an honest debate of both sides.