The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I just recall you telling me once on the topic of blue eyed blood elves on your DK that you were playing a Blue Eyed Blood elf already, and yet here you are citing no connection to the sun well and being changed as a determiner of a new race, because I was of the opinion that Blood Elf DKs qualified as Undead and were different yes.

So it seems fitting to stick to the same logic

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Tell that to all the High Elves that are allies with the Alliance then.


This has always confused because of this.

I am grateful for this opportunity to prove the value of the ren’dorei to our cause.
We will do whatever it takes to ensure the Alliance’s success.

What is your role in this campaign, magister?

As a magister, my duty has always been to Silvermoon and its people. When the mad Arthas devastated our lands, I knew we must harness every power available to ensure our survival.
Prince Kael’thas proposed one way. I sought out another.

So you sought the power of shadow?

My followers and I felt no loyalty to the Horde. When Grand Magister Rommath forbade our Void research, we did not hesitate to break away and follow our own path.
But hubris got the best of me. I was certain I could master any force we encountered.
I was so wrong

The Void nearly claimed you?

I led us right into the ethereals’ trap. If not for Alleria Windrunner’s intervention, we would have been lost.
As it was, the shadow energies transformed us
 and opened our minds to the whispers of the Void. Without Alleria’s guidance, we would have fallen into madness.
She has helped us quiet our minds. Dampen the whispers. It is a constant struggle.

  • Magister Umbric in a conversation in game with Hartford Wyrmbane says, they didn’t hesitate to break away when Rommath forbade the study of Void Magic. Not hesitating to break away doesn’t scream exile to me.
  • Magister Umbric also claims that the Void Energies transformed them. You don’t need Alaria declaring them a new race. Magister Umbric is the actual leader of the Void Elves and he claims they were transformed.

This is basically all it comes down to. I do not personally care if a “separate race” is a requirement to fulfill the “allied race” slot
 all I care about is that the story provides a group of significance of those loyal to a faction. High elves of the silver covenant/Allerian stronghold/Highvale fit this bill.

Question is
 do others care?

I don’t like the idea of undead Night elves joining the horde, but I cannot stop it, nor would I blame people for asking. Blizz has set the stage.

As well
 Forsaken are not a race but a condition. They are in fact human, the precedent has been set.


blood elves are high elves

void elves used to be high elves, but have now been transformed by the void into something similar, but different. the different skin colors and tentacles are the give away :joy:


There’s not much need to cite more, when you posted

But more detail of the transformation can be found in the Void Elf unlock quest chain dialogue.

" Magister Umbric: Alleria
 My people are free, but we have been
 changed. And the voices

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the Horde should have humans because of the humans they worked with in the past such as the Defias and currently, the pirates in Tirigarde sound.

Sorry, but no.
dev agree, you don’t get who has the playable race.
Enjoy blueberry elves.

Exactly. And those humans are a different group to the humans playable. And since it is the same with Blood Elves to High Elves, they are different groups, and have different different believes and stuff on how they want to push forward.

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So vindictive today bro.

Btw how are you?

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Cool! So
undead Thalassians for the Alliance? Seems a fair trade. :wink:

He went into pretty good detail even talk about the One Slave trader dood traitor.

I aim to always be direct. Most tend to interpret my words harshly.

Exhausted literally.

I don’t know whether we’re both saying the same thing here or not
but Void Elves are not Blood Elves any longer, they are GMO-Thalassians. :slight_smile:


No, lets kill them all off. After having to deal with Sylvanas this expansion, I am not one for any undead elves.

How ever, you can have undead Orcs if you so please.

We need playable high elves to keep my joyful presence in the game and forums. Is that reason enough?


I think were saying the same thing, I’m not saying they are now, I was saying they were before transformed. I have always said that they were Sin"dorei or refferd them as exiled Sin’dorei, before void elf, cept the one traitor dood the slave trader, I call him anomaly.

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Then undead humans aren’t really a valid argument for playable High Elves on the Alliance. After all, if the Horde is to accept that undead humans means there are humans on the Horde then I think you have to be willing to extend that logic the other way.

School going rough??

The greatest good comes from sacrifice sometimes.

School is easy. Its everything else around it.

Well, honestly, I don’t really play Undead. And honestly, the only thing I know about Undead is that they were the citizens of Lordaeron. I could be wrong here, but that is all I know.

In the end though, I changed to saying yes to High Elves because, it isn’t going to hurt me, it isn’t going to effect me, and all the reasons of “no” that was said, it more of just turning into a bias of arguments which, considering I do play Alliance as well, there isn’t really anything there to suggest on why High Elves can’t be playable on the Alliance.

Otherwise, we’ll give the Alliance San’layn and the Horde will have Felblood Elves.