The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Itā€™s a confusing bit of lore really. The stuff specifically about Chen credits him and Rexxar as the ones who found durotar, but the wikis on the founding of Orgrimmar make it seem like Thrall found it and meets Rexxar after, and donā€™t really mention Chen specifically.

It was fun reading up on it though, and reaffirms how much Iā€™ve always loved Chen.

Rexxar joins Thrall midway into the construction and helps get it finished by doing odd jobs like hiring goblin workers, finding Gazloweā€™s blueprints and rescuing orcish workers. Chen is there for that part too.

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I was just looking through the wikis to refresh my memory, and learned new stuff about Chen too. I have not played that campaign though so Iā€™ll take your word on that.

Think most of you knew this already, Just wanted for the record there is all. I will admit like before I didnā€™t know that much Lore on Orgrimmar or Chens involvement. Was Talking about the Pandas compared to the High Elves when

this when guzzle commented.

Personally I remember seeing requests for Pandaren before they were in game. I wanted them too, honestly, though I didnā€™t post in the forums back then, I was strictly a lurker.

I think we can all agree that Chen is awesome though.

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I was giving my opinion how it seemed that the Request & liking of Alliance for High Elves was stronger then pandas. I believe you when you say people wanted panadas to though, I mean people are asking for snake people, :wink:

I will be reading more Horde lore here soon, Cant wait to read up on Chen.

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Of course he is, heā€™s a Champion of the Horde.

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I mean, I cracked a joke and got flagged over it so forgive me if my view of most people is not a kind one.

pandaren should have gone horde imo. and alliance gotten jinyu. neutrality completely ruined the pandaren

Oh for sure. I donā€™t know too many people who think neutrality was a great idea.

I at least think Chen should have been the leader of the Huojin.

Apparently Blizz planned them to be Alliance at some point. Not sure what source that rumor is from, but itā€™s something Iā€™ve heard

It was from an April Fools joke.

Oh. Me dumb. Ignore dumb olā€™ me

Chen got along well with dwarves too, he helped found brewfest.

Because of Chenā€™s empty keg though, I did think they would be Horde if they were playable.

You changed your mog! Lol

I am perma wearing the darkshore armor until we get our heritage armorā€¦ if we ever get it.


I did! I had to make use of my flower crowns.

They need a purple one.

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Horde should be more furries confirmed.

I am curious actually on how the Night Elf heritage armor is going to work out. And hope it doesnā€™t fail like how they did it for the Worgen.


Yah same here. Fingers Crossed


I need them to give a sentinel glaive look to classes other than demon hunters.

I also donā€™t need the mogs to be overly skimpy but they donā€™t need to be full coverage either.