The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Also i got talked to for ranting at someone about being a moron who spreads misinformation on the anti side

yeah a half elf would have a normal elf ear size. hehe wow elves have exaggerated ears and eyebrows. a half elf would have normal sized elf ears. just tips poking thru hair, or in the absence of hair covering the ear, just a normal ear with a pointy top, like a vulcan.

but the only way a helf’s ears could be variant is if they developed a cosmetic tradition, after living with humans and other alliance races, to decorate/tint/or otherwise change their ears, so they would look less like their hated belf foes. maybe a safety precaution so they dont get shot/stabbed/nuked by their fellow alliance in a freak accident where the ally thought they were a belf


You’re not using that right.

I am all up for Half Elves. They would be a better compomise than High Elves imo, and still be fabulous at the same time.


Wasn’t using it for anything but to suggest I Liked it more then cartoons, Anything interpreted other wise though is acceptable though we all have opinions.

No I mean the term.

Half Elves would be a great inclusion for the Alliance.

So how would you want your Half Elf to look? Also what class. I would want my Half Elf to be a little Shorter then the normal Thalassian model. I would want the Asian face, brown eyes, and blue hair. I would want her to have less curves. Also I would like her to be a Druid.

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Have you considered that you’re getting the push back you’re getting here because you jumped in on this stupid argument on one side? I mean I have no idea what the whole point of this is that is being so stubbornly clung to. But you kinda jumped in like we were the jerks for trying to explain the lore here.

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Yeah I mean we’re jerks but not for that.

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The Half Elf would be almost similar design actually to a Human (maybe just a little skinner for females and bit more buffier for males), just have the same ears and eyebrows to the High Elves, as well as the same eyes (golden eyes and blue eyes) to any thalassian elf. And I know a Paladin will be more likely one class, but possible of chances for classes such as Warrior, Mage, Hunter. The lease likely class for Half Elves would be Warlocks, Demon Hunters, and possibly Druids and Shamans imo.

druid would be awesome. but we have shortage of shaman. i’d prefer druid but shaman is the more likely, lore wise (hanging with the wildhammer)
i want an african half elf with white hair and brilliant blue eyes.
an asian half elf with black hair, dark brown eyes and a braid all the way down her back, passed her butt, like the orc female braid, but in the asian style.
and a caucasian half elf with pink hair and bright blue eyes. maybe use primarily human/gnome/dwarf hairstyles, though there is one belf hairstyle and the orc female braid. that i would love to have on a half elf.

p.s. we need bards. maybe make it a shammy spec. then their totems become war drums and they interact with them where it looks like they’re playing them when using one

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Information on Chen is pretty all over the place apparently. He helped found Brewfest, and some sources say that was before he and Rexxar found Durotar, and some say it was after. Nothing is said about him on the wikis about the founding of Orgrimmar itself, but he fought alongside Rexxar against Daelin Proudmoore.

So whether he was considered officially a founder or not he was instrumental in protecting it as it got started.

He’s also one of the best Pandaren.


All Pandaren are good. The only one that is not is Nomi, but that is because he burns the kitchen on top of the food.

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the fact that he fought for the land that org would be founded on, cements him as a founder in my opinion

I still love the inclusion half elves deliver via playing on the new human customizations that normal Elves don’t see, I think I’d want to make a new mage again for one


Nomi is a dreadlord.


Have none of you played the Founding of Durotar campaign? :woman_facepalming:

He joins Rexxar during act one which is where Rexxar goes around doing odd jobs to help get Orgrimmar built.

He helps in those odd jobs.

He helped found Orgrimmar.


The biggest “Well of course he did that” moment from the Vulpera recruitment quest


/and now I am going to have nightmares