The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I have a Character on WRA also played as a High Elf, but cant look the part due look limitations, so really cant get into the character especially when he turns into a blueberry. I do believe also changes could be made to make them not Look Like Sin’dorei and keeping within High Elf /Alliance Lore/story. With the Ren’dorei release I do feel customization options for the possibility for game purpose will be the route to go since the model is there already & not the High Elf playable lore possibility thus far.

You people?

But Blood Elves ARE High Elves. That’s the huge problem with that. They literally are. They did not cease to be just because Kael’thas renamed them to honor their deceased.

You heard what I said.

I think they look different enough, and should just be playable already. Think about it, the key difference between the Blood Elves and the High Elves eyes, is not the colour, but Blood Elves eyes actually have been glowing, where if you look at a High Elf, they’re eyes looks normal, like a humans eyes.


Have you looked at any of the high elf eyes in the past two expacs?

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As I always been told, Blood Elves are High Elves, but not all High Elves are Blood Elves.


Well, some of them. They’re wildly inconsistent on that.

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I’m not hung up on the looks anyhow, Like most people at first I made that mistake, I thought looks mattered, but after going down the long road taking time to read the lore, found out that was a wrong reason.


That is a very good point actually.

Please point out for me in my post where I said High Elves shouldn’t be playable on the Alliance, Or where i claim that all races should be determined by their factions. You are asking for race determining Faction to be removed entirely from the game. Sorry but for me that would be a No! They’re are some races that shouldn’t be shared.

While agree that your opinion is indeed valid, I would have to disagree, because no one knows for certain if the inclusion of Void Elves was to quiet the High Elf community, or to put the Thalassian model on the Alliance side.

I agree Void Elves should have paladin, or a reverse paladin class with the same spells but void based instead of light based.

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Yet, arent visuals the appeal to a race? Havent the people in this thread spent time talking about how the visuals of other allied races as downsides to them?

Point very well taken, and see your point on this matter.

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They’re literally the same, don’t try to pretend something else. The mistake which Blizzard did is not to update them to a neutral race like the Pandaren who call themselves two factions etc.

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And yet Blizzard deeply regrets designing the Pandaren in that manner.

That is one race I have yet to create a character as, or have had the urge to create. :woozy_face:

But I mean it wouldn’t change anything since the lore that the same race have conflicts already exist, even a more reasonable than the Pandaren one tbh. So why now?

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Their main regret is the damage it did to faction identity. Making races neutral is terrible for maintaining the difference between the two.

I’ve been trying to wake up all day.

And failing at it.

I may or may not have invented rock ball. But it was a goblin who had the brilliant idea to use bombs instead.