The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I could see myself offering, but I doubt my art is good enough to draw that much of a crowd. I am also ridiculously slow.

It wasn’t at all bad, thanks.

Now I’ve downed my morning double shot of espresso and just easing into being awake before my shower and work. :slight_smile:


Point me to this individual, my friend. I’ll handle the rest.


To be fair, this is both someone who plays a blood elf and someone who plays a DH.

Is it so wrong?

I’ll make an exception in his case.

A DH player, madness.

I don’t think you are understanding my qualms at all. I personally don’t care how different they could look. I personally don’t care if Blizzard wrote a story so great it would go down in the history of mmorpg’s as the greatest inclusion story ever written.

(given the awesome success of BFA I kinda doubtful of that happening.)

I still believe that they’re some races which should not be available to both factions.

Faction, Race, Class. These are the three choices that a player has. The player knows that one choice effects the others.

If the Race they choose is the most important to them. That choice will effect their choice of Faction, and their choice of classes.

If it’s Class the prefer over all else, that will effect their choice of Race, which effects their choice of faction, or the other way around.

If Faction is key, it will effect their choice of Race, and Class.

Your saying let’s make it so Race no longer determines your Faction. To this I say no, I like that with World of Warcraft, the choices that you make determine things. That as a player I need to decide which is more important to me. Also if we are going to remove Race effecting Factions. We should also remove Race effecting Classes. Seems unfair to only remove one part of the equation. As far as I’m concerned if Race doesn’t effect Factions, why have Factions at all?


Yeah I concede that it does work much better in Star Wars with races working any which way, just on account of a lot of it is doctrine alone. Maybe ESO is a better example then, I just don’t know much about that game heh. But if we are talking about doctrine being the basis of races on either which side I think some select races in wow would work for it

You do know when you pick your race, you’re actually picking a specific group of that race. For example Blood Elves of Sunstrider Isle.

Since technically Blood Elves and High Elves are all in different groups, it may not work as a core race, but as an Allied Race, they should work, and should be playable for the Alliance player base.


I really enjoyed reading your post this morning, I felt it was a real honest opinion, also was some good reasoning in it that you went into explaining quit well, I however disagree, my reasons can be viewed here (instead of writing a wall text this morning I’ll provide the link to the post). Again very nice post. :+1:

I am from a rp realm and one of the most rped race class combos are high elf paladin and high elf mage. The fact that they made void elves and took away away the paladin thing is a big issue for a lot of people. Hell the paladin teir set from the last raid of legion was basically a elf set. My problem with void elves personally is that we only have two skin options light blue and dark blue. I honestly would have preferred fel blood from tbc or more skin options to show different aspects of the void maybe a red color for the emerald nightmare or a black color for the sha both being related to the void.


I want to press doubt, but its Wyrmrest Accord.

That’s a low bar to clear.

Clarify please I dont understand.

Holy cow, you actually got dress.

Good Orc, here, have a rock.

I accept your rock, but not your condescension. Green power.

Good thing there is plenty more fel rocks in Outland.

I’ve been meaning to check out the old motherland in your timeline, how’s it faring? Still as intact as ever I trust?

What the hell did you people do to my home???

Hey, it was Gul’dan and the Legion, and Illidan. Don’t look at me.