The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

“If you disagree with me your opinion isn’t valid.”

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I would debate that most of the races bar maybe humans, night/blood elves, and orcs havent had good story telling.

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Or there isn’t a story to be told and it’s run its course. What story there is, aside from pro Alliance high elves in Dalaran, even Void Elves have more of a story by now. Void Elves who undoubtedly have a more interesting story to tell then one defined by Blood Elves at best or a tired fantasy trope at worst.

That is not saying I am speaking for others, and where within that post does that reply sound like.

You can say that about anyone who says something you don’t like, that doesn’t make it true. He’s the man in charge and you’re just a fan. It’s what he says it is.

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Reunification is a plot point that has never been told yet. It requires for Blizzard to stop focusing on Vereesa for four seconds to actually write something good for high elves.

I’m ready for that loving.

Didn’t Ion also say in one of the Q&A’s, anything is possible in the future?

there are no alliance high elf settlements. only a few individuals exist among the alliance. what also exists is the SC, but they are still tied to dalaran, did not participate in the war and are likely heavily depleted in terms of numbers

Lawyer speak really has you entranced huh?

They focused on Vereesa?!

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The one in Hinterlands?

I mean, shes the main focal point of the high elves since
what Wrath?

Quel’Danil Lodge says hello.

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That includes the elimination or absorption of Alliance high elves. Of which didn’t he say absorption already happened?

Only if you time travel.

He states in those videoes you so graciously love as proof, That if you want to play a fair skin majestic High Elf Play Horde, Sounds like he based his assumption on looks to me,


its a shanty shack in the middle of nowhere with a few isolationist elves. calling it an alliance high elf settlement implies its more then that. come on bourbo

And what is that supposed to mean?

That is a high elf settlement regardless. Its like saying the Bilgewater Cartel has no home, because the one in Azshara is a trash can.