The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Given that he indicated there is no more lore space for them, what else would he base it off of? I donā€™t think you honestly want them for lore reasons.

Youā€™re attempting to invalidate other peopleā€™s opinions that donā€™t conform to your own. Thatā€™s exactly what that is.

Anything that continues to drive your interest and playtime.

Itā€™s more than that. Everything in the video game is massively scaled down in, well, scale. Thereā€™s more high elves than what is depicted there, and every High Elf settlement we encounter in the video game that has any sort of ā€˜tieā€™ to the Alliance actually has several small hundred or few thousand High Elves. Theyā€™re basically little towns in random locations.

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[citation needed]

Oh look, and this is what it has been also with some of the Antiā€™s all along as well. Nice contradiction right there.

And what is that also supposed to mean?

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Or things are scaled up. Videogames use heuristics both ways. When we move around in WoW, we also time travel. The devs have however validated that there are few or nearly no remaining Alliance high elves.

What do you think that means.

They need to come clean and put in the game that has always been there Alliance High Elves, The Technology/Reasons are there to be able tocreate them as the two Different factions and allow Alliance High Elves Playable. Not doing and coming up with the dumbest reasons, just donā€™t cut it. (imho)


I wouldnā€™t exactly call them reasons. It is more of excuses at this point actually man.

Sorry, but Iā€™m struggling with some of your meaning here.

it simply cannot be seen as a bastion of high elf civilizationā€¦its just a few outdoorsy types living rough in the fringes of their kingdom. is this a joke

"Someone theoretical I canā€™t name did something bad (I swear guys for cereal Iā€™m not making this up as part of my weak argument) therefore itā€™s totally fine for me to also do a bad thing.


So, joining the pro helfers side in there case for them to have playable High Elves on the Alliance is a bad thing?

Theyā€™re also not even there anymore. They get evacuated.

Itā€™s the running gimmick of EVERY settlement of any size or location in World of Warcraft.

Orgrimmar is like 1/4th the size in-game than it is in WoWā€™s reality. Stormwind is muuuuch larger. That town outside of Stormwind is VASTLY larger. Those are just a few small, well-known examples of this. Every city, town, settlement, fort, etc, in World of Warcraft is toned down from their real size. Everything.

Everyone drink.

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Are you having doubts already?

If I remember correctly, the manga shows the quel danil elves are a small group. They are less of a settlement, and more of an embassy area that has largely been forgotten.

What are the Renā€™dorei then?