The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

You cant have it just be a one way thing to allow Horde races to join Alliance.

Itā€™s sort of like your factionā€™s hazing ritual. People get into their chosen faction, you see stickers on cars and tattoos. Faction identity is a feature of the game, something I donā€™t think is worth compromising for RP, which is not a feature of the game. Iā€™m glad RP is something people enjoy, but they shouldnā€™t design the game around it. If blurred faction lines is something so important to people, ESO offers that experience.

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This is what Iā€™ve said with most of your posts. I want to see if I can use your own point of view for a third time to destroy your argument tonight.

I agree. The only Alliance races I could see leaving are a couple of allied races, and thatā€™d require a bit of setup

Anyone know if ESO is actually a good game now? Iā€™ve been meaning to check it out

I could see because Void Elves are former Blood Elves, some might find a reluctance to go against Sylvanas even for Alleria. Even in the heritage armor quest Lorthemar voiced what I always thought was the general consensus anyways of Blood Elves but that deep respect for her sacrifice. So that alone I could see being a reason to let VEā€™s choose/should have went Horde

There is no Barrier, Alliance High Elves already Exist in game, Just not playable, false narrative.


Oh right, by claiming I make bad arguments then telling me to play the game for an answer?


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Sure, some individual Alliance high elves exist, just not in the way you insist they do.

Wow, you actually are way behind in this argument, huh?

If you literally cannot remember why Darkshore would dissuade any Horde member from joining the Alliance in loreā€¦maybe you shouldnt make Alliance-based arguments.

Maybe stick with belf lore, that seems to be your forte.

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I think itā€™s more of a sticking his head in the sand sort of thing.

I mean, Im not even talking about high elves right now. The argument was in general about Horde races being a part of the Alliance.

You do know there is more of a story regarding the High Elves, no, I donā€™t mean Blood Elves, I do mean, High Elves that have not been fully told. There is actually a few in the game, though, in game numbers are not canon numbers, but I can garentee there is a few.

Settlements exist, traning ground exist, T hey live among the Alliance, they are in the 7th legion not just few, there are more Alliance High elves The Void Elves if you want to play the number game, So let play it shall we,

How Many High Elves Survived total,
How many changed To Sinā€™dorei,
How Many Stayed Alliance High Elves,
How Many Renā€™dorei were exiled after the Sinā€™dorei changed their name
if you take the number of the renā€™dorei and compare it to the Alliance High Elves they would not even be close.


Iā€™ve argued this for a year and a half. Iā€™ve written some of the old AR recruitment quest line when I was more into this. Iā€™ve written some of the racials based on high elf lore.

Iā€™ve talked about how high elves could have been brought into the lore more in Legion and BFA.

You are barking up the wrong tree for this, Sara.

So, just because someone changes there thoughts around, means they are now barking up the wrong tree.

Because you are saying that theres more to be told for the high elves, when I have discussed that the story for high elves is absolutely garbageā€¦and how this very same community has propped up garbage writing and representation shown in Legion/BFA as proof of their playability coming soon.

In essence, Iā€™ve been more of a supporter of better writing for High Elves than most people who have talked in this discussion over the past few years.

By denying them in the end?

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My denial for their playability is different from wanting them to have a good story.

Yah to bad he dont know what he is talking about either,

He thinks we want them for looks, Most people who want Our Alliance High Elfs, At least the ones I talk to Want them because of the Lore, They were Alliance before, during and even now , Horde were given Sinā€™dorei, Sorry to Ion but he dont even know why we want them.

Every race in the game has a good and bad story. But guess what, it is all different opinions on peoples thoughts when it comes to the stories.

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