The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

It wouldn’t change the core storytelling mechanic (the factions themselves), almost at all – a Horde member is a Horde member, regardless of whether they’re an Tauren or a Gnome. :man_shrugging:


A Tauren is an Alliance member, if its steak at the dinner table.

Further proof the faction switcheroo was a bad idea and neither of them should have become playable.

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It’s a feature, not just some odd thing they debate.

Don’t bother. He thinks it is going to hurt the game

Its a literal facet of the game that has been built around since Warcraft.

Because you dont know how big people are on the faction division.

They want the two sides to look distinct. It’s intentional.

Oh yeah, like who? Yourself?

you are telling me this why when I support the division?

All those Classic players.

Well, classic is there. I’m not talking about Classic.

You know this argument could be applied to you as well, right?

I named people now didnt I?

I have to agree with Bourbonboxer, all races available to both factions doesn’t work for me either. Some of the races? Yes. All of them? No. I don’t feel like arguing, so I’ll just give my reason why I’m against it. Three of the biggest choices in WoW are. Choosing your Faction, choosing your race, and choosing your class. Each of the choices effects your other choices. That is something that makes this game different, and special. I know that if I want to play an Orc, that I will need to play Horde. If I want to play Alliance, but also play as an Orc. I now need to decide which is more important to me. I don’t get everything that I want. I need to make a choice, and having to choose isn’t really a bad thing.


And yet, I am not the one acting like I speak for everyone else.

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You act like no one else has stated what I have stated before, so in essence
you are when it comes to your arguments making them seem infallable in your eyes.

You actually are though.

I agree, but if done in a way that makes sense it would only work in the Alliance’s favor. As such it won’t happen

Oh yeah, like where?

Oh, this gonna be good.