The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Valarian, I might be a jerk. But Im always right.

Just reminding her is all,

Oh right, like BfA hasn’t hasn’t went down that direction already.

Oh, I will. Thanks for that Valarian.

“I’m always right because everyone else is wrong” /post.

Gosh, and I thought my day was pretty upsetting with this heat feeling pretty awful"


And Im reminding you: that dont do what I do best
and think you get away with it.

Its not like I had already accounted that. Hence Baine being an Alliance character meme.

So, what is the problem of allowing people to chose what ever they want, regardless of what faction they play, apart from the so called, “it is going to hurt the game”.

Because choice doesnt equal good all the time.

Based on what fact?

Should night elves be warlocks?

I said people should have the option to pick any race, regardless of faction they’re playing. I didn’t say they should pick any class, regardless of what race they’re playing.

Try again.

Well, why are you limiting choice here?

Most people understand when it comes to class/race restrictions. Doesn’t matter if they’re pro’s or anti’s.

But faction and races shouldn’t be locked to each other.

So, what is the problem of allowing people to chose what ever they want, regardless of what race they play, apart from the so called, “it is going to hurt the game”.

Man, this is easy.

Dude, you haven’t answered my question, and now you’re just changing it around.

Because Im using your argument against you. Sorry fam.

Oh right, so, you’re going to say that High Elves on the Alliance then doesn’t make any sense, despite there is some alligned with the Alliance. So, now it it is changing to classes when I am talking about races, which is two different things.

Huh, all my arguments seem to accomplish is me going just a bit more insane each day.

Honestly when it comes to race/class combos Blizz should either be super strict with it or allow any combo. Tauren paladins just shouldn’t exist


No, Im saying why would an orc be allowed on Alliance side using your own point of argument
when in a debate about classes, you go back to lore-basis.

Sorry, but you cant do it both ways and expect to have a solid argument.

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Do what I do. Take a break, poke the beehive, watch the bees swarm, take another break, poke the beehive