The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Someone already RPs are stormwind guards in Goldshire. They do the human aggro noise when you poke them.

I would say very few have. I will not name names because its not nice.

Well I have enjoyed a lot of the points you’ve made on BE lore whether being Pro or Anti :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:

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OMG, I loved that scene of Beetlejuice when he makes that noise

Now I wanna watch Beetlejuice.

It’s okay, you can name my name.

You werent on that list of people who cant argue out of a paper bag, so you are safe.

Ah yes


I have seen a lot of people on the pro side make a lot of good points as well, even back when I was an Anti.

As I said though some few dozen post earlier, only reason why I switched is because I am sick of the faction bias when it comes to each race in terms of development and story. In the end, I am more of, “I rather people just have the option to chose any race they wish, regardless of what faction they play.”

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I can’t find it on any streaming I thought it was a Disney movie looking for it on Disney + last month but alas

They will never get rid of a core aspect of this game.

I never said to get rid of factions, I am just suggesting in more options.

What options?

For anyone to pick any race they wish on the faction they prefer.

Hell, I would love to be a Pirate Human on Horde.

Will never happen. You know that.

I don’t know that actually, because I can’t predict the future.

And as an old saying goes, “anything is possible in the future”

Even Ion did say in one of the Q&A’s, that anything is possible in the future.


I know SWTOR does this, not sure I think ESO as well?

Either way and regardless I forget who made the point that VEs on Horde and Nightborne in Alliance would have gone down more successfully but being a Void Elf AND being able to be loyal to Sylvanas does make my heart happy at the idea!

Actually if BEs get the Sen’layn look via customizations like some else said (people been giving such good info this whole thread tbh) but idk if I could hold back from being on that bandwagon

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You dont need a crystal ball to have someone tell you that having all races be available to either faction would be a nail in the coffin for this game’s lore even more so than ANYTHING post-Wrath.

People seem to mistake my jokes of Saurfang and Baine being Alliance characters as a way to show how bad the writing is? But its actually to piss Alliance players off
because most of the Alliance players in this forum and those who RP do not want Horde races associated with the Alliance (yes, I am not counting blood/high elves here).

Why do you think Alliance players were mad as hell when Baine is sitting in Stormwind during beta 8.3 marked friendly and flagged as Alliance?

Its why Lightforged Forsaken made both sides groan.

Because the way that happens is if: Blizzard writing decides to go full pants-on-head mode and writes it able to do. It simply does not work in the format that WoW or Warcraft has been.

It has nothing to do with faction imbalance, its how the core system of the game works. And people who play that game have grown to like that facet of the game. Isnt this why people clamored for a return to Classic
a return to when the Horde/Alliance was divided and not in a bad storyline, not just for mechanics?

Dude, just because some of us think that things will never happen, doesn’t mean nothing will happen.

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But dude, what you are talking about is a change to the core story-telling and driving forces of the game. Its not like adding in allied races.

Keep this in mind when arguing with him.