The High Elf Love Thread 🥰



I am the long lost father daughter of Sylvanas, Arthas, Thrall and Ysera. I am more powerful than you can imagine and could disintegrate everyone with a mere thought.

I’m also so beautiful everyone falls in love with me instantly.

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Nah Im having a good day.

Oh, so then just a generic “I’m going to be a jerk now” bit of posting. Alrighty then.

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Murg, when havent I been a jerk in these threads? Lets be honest now. The only thing I can blame it on today is forgetting to buy milk at the store.

If I wanted to make friends, I wouldnt post on a level 12 pandaren on the Horde.

Log into Moon-Guard. People rp as anything they want, regardless if it is in this universe.

Yeah, I can see where a milk shopping fail could set you on edge.


How you actually do it is you screw off the top of the milk and then trip over nothing while spilling it all over yourself.

I have to be honest, there are days I feel like boosting a 120 on Moonguard and starting a series of threads titled “RP You Have to See to Believe”.


You guys missed the old days of all the drama that MG used to have when MG Secrets was still around.

I volunteer to help with this project!

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My Rendorei plays a a Kin to Death Hunter Hawkspear On WRA, We use those RP addons where you change the title and history for characters its pretty neat

The Legacy Of Quel’dorei Discord Folks created a guild over there we had a formal Ceremony when the guild was created (Legacy Of Quel’dorei) was pretty cool. First time i did the RP thing was fun but nervous at first. lol

AKA Valarían


Pure gold.


Woah, you’re really good at calling the kettle black.

If that is the case, then it means nobody is good at making strong points, which is bad logic.

You do know there is no right or wrong sides to begin with.


Thats not a good way to start an argument.

People havent been making strong points for over a year. Its the same drawn out arguing points…over…and over…and over again.

Its why I’ve literally been scarce on this debate with the rare occassion. If I wanted to read people arguing the same stuff said last month or last year…I’d go on politics reddit.

Even when I do pop in, I make one point then get off-topic because its not worth arguing with an echoing canyon.

Thats why there is quotes. You do know what quotes mean, yes?

But by your logic, and directed towards me, I am bad at arguments. I can garentee you, I have made some strong points within my arguments in the past, as to everyone else in this thread. Doesn’t matter if I was an Anti or a Pro now.

I want a group of fellow guards to RP with in which we attempt to arrest the lowlifes in Goldshire.

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I wouldnt say everyone else has. Stop appealing to everyone else to try and garner support.

I would say everyone else has. Even if people have been in disagreements with each other.

Wear protective gear.